Teutonica Inc as:
is us:
We will always be:

Welcome!  Greetings to All Who Visit Us!

Liga Teutonica, circa 1700 BC, is the progenitor of all world trade associations 501c(6), including United Nations today.  The Hartsock files contain the original composition of both organizations and all in between.  It is logical to believe the working-plans back then, which were successful for nearly four millennium, are the solution for what is not working now in 2025.  In order to achieve 15 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG's), fund and manage the return to the one autonomous nation of AD 1701, I constructed a platform for harmonious reinstitution of the ancient core components with an ultra-high degree of automation for the financial phenomenon of logical mathematics.

Now every person alive, and those yet to be born, not just government or UN officials, can use them on their own behalf and for the benefit of others and their communities under law.  It is logical and lawful for any person to help solve problems when the government cannot solve problems for us or itself.   When this happens, the governments are fully supported, the rich do get richer, and the poor become richer than them.

 FVLA is devoted to Teutonic funding, a  Available again today, the ancient way provides for citizen participation in all aspects of funding

The first to use is the logical funding mechanisms, which serve multiple benefits simultaneously to all actors and the nation.  

One of several decks on the platform, FVLA explains the logical mathematics of Teutonic funding and enables all people to apply the technology to their lives and possibly participate in , how it differs from

54tr, which enable used with 100% success during the time of the. 

Not only are these measures more valuable in health safety, well-being, dollars and cents than any previous time in history, implementing them is the only solution for threats to life on earth

FVLA is the central deck of this platform where people plan operations, fund them, monitor progress, and sustain them for future generations with universal vigilance.


which are the same goals of all nations throughout time,There are a number of interdependent decks on the platform. Each contains specific computer-processors and assets to bring forth the age-old remedies. infor various functions.  The FVLA (this) deck is central

Each deck   with processor modules grouped 

 FVLA is the deck to describe and use a financial phenomenon - the orthodox monetary multiplier mechanisms used to build manned-fleets, mounted-police, individual households, and whole nations without a cost, with a substantial return. 

These financial apparati have been concealed, or fragmented and commercialized, by privateers who had access to the privy council +/or the Holy See beginning early in the 14th,  in the 15th century since AD 1701. 


Returning to use now is a gain for everyone and unborn, no cost, only one part, list the other parts and link them. - get a common theme and read one solution...and Kim II






There are three categories in Teutonic funding: actors, operations, and a principles engineer.


We discuss the changes made to the components and the ill-effects upon us all to identify illegal contracts for retroactive reclamation in the immediate future. 

The focus here is to make great gains immediately by using this component in the operations




We recognize illegitimate deviations to the functionality of the fruitful unions as privateering of the core components down through the ages. 

in between formations causing the disffunctional differences and deviations so its members may achieve

core component to meld



 Its success and longevity are due to its self-funded, self-protected, and self-governed (autonomous) organization by compliant administration of the statistical, financial, and legal instruments embedded in the monetary system.  Until 1701 AD, global commerce was cost-free for the merchants and consumers within the family nations overseas due to the monetary multiplier mechanisms. Contraventions to trade laws were easily recognized by counting houses and law enforcement was mostly done by defunding offenders on the general ledger.


Liga Teutonica, circa 1700 BC, is the progenitor of all world trade associations, including United Nations.  Its success and longevity are due to its self-funded, self-protected, and self-governed (autonomous) organization by compliant administration of the statistical, financial, and legal instruments embedded in the monetary system.  Until 1701 AD, global commerce was cost-free for the merchants and consumers within the family nations overseas due to the monetary multiplier mechanisms. Contraventions to trade laws were easily recognized by counting houses and law enforcement was mostly done by defunding offenders on the general ledger.

Descending from the Teutonic Tribe - creators of all monetary systems for Dynasty I, Monarchy One, and the Sumerian Kings List - Liga Teutonica enabled harmonious world trade circa 1700 BC as a family business, under family law. 

The league was prosperous from day-one due to the monetary-multiplier mechanisms embedded in the coinage system. It was sustained by firm application of the laws and vision also embedded in the circulation of  money,  As family nations (bio-genically connected)


 responsible use of natural resources, and total respect for global human rights. It was sustained for thousands of years by firm application of Teutonic Law statistical data module


, total respect for global human rights, and responsible use of natural resources. . 

 FVLA is a core component of the "One Solution"

creators of harmonious world trade, progenitor of United Nations,


While some people are clowning around in space, drunk on TV, robbing the public, cheating patent/copyright holders, unbalancing the earth with wayward, careless and illegal mining; you have millions of homeless children (<14) with 32 vacant houses rotting per homeless person, 90K missing people - mostly Uradel seniors taken for their estates, out-of-control healthcare &  education costs, a huge national debt and a social security system based on false assets of others are making off with the riches of the earth

FVLA is not a commercial venture by any means, nor is it political.  FVLA is a  pro-government, anti-crime platform made for public discussion, planning and execution of the ordained funding instruments that came with the dollar bill coinage system.  that the Christian, Judean, and Islamic religions are based upon.  Contraventions, abatement, and/or ignorance of these essential operations is the cause of every financial and physical problem on earth today, therefore the re-institution.  The FVLA operations are not comparable to the so-called leases in the USA where the words "lease" and "mortgage" are used to disguise illegal loans and fraudulent securitization based on stolen assets. Teutonic lease operations have been used successfully for more than four millennium to cause world growth without a cost, at a profit.  Today we are Teutonica Inc using these age old monocratic multipliers to quickly solve serious, life-threatening world problems: 15 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG's),

Amber Gouldthorpe
Founding Executive Director

I am a senior software engineer for ESP Tech World and I am part of a very high-tech family (my father invented and patented the ARM chip for FIOS). As far as longevity, we are the family (Cimrian & Ambronen Teutoinic Tribes) who put up Stonehenge to rebalance the earth ( 𐤒 ) after the gold was removed from Gouldthorpe, now England. I can tell you from living in four countries and visiting many others, USA (not US!) has a huge problem with fraudulent vehicle leases. Orthodox leases are, and have been, the core component of global finance since 1750 BC. Contraventions toleases only served grossly unjust income to a long-running organized crime ring who are all caught now in their own devices.  Do not worry because there are automatic solutions built into the USD coinage system for this (and all forms of deviate  finan

ll, solutions are "granular", meaning the daily operations are performed between individuals with the benefits going directly to individuals, governed by themselves under law with no room for financial-deviation. the lease structures are "molecular", meaning both operation income and the created-benefits can be passed out evenly among the citizenry.  Many costs are eliminated and income streams are created by going granular. Most vehicles pay for themselves. Preowned vehicle availability is unlimited.



Liga Teutonica created world trade in 1750 BCAlso It's verified around the world, Hartsocks are the oldest health and human service providers in written history. Hartsocks provided the monetary systems an currency to every kingdom, country, state, beginning in 2650 BC through 1701, the .

The word "lease"

A harmonious solution to 321 years of murder, theft and concealment


Usurp the usurpers!  FVLA provides international licenses, our systems© for monocratic multiplication, personal services, registered securities, and Teutonic funding to individuals, which enables each them to build an ineradicable income for their lifetime, their families, and future generations within one year.  As you enrich yourselves at titanic savings to the consumers, your entire community and everyone in it, especially your governments, will thrive and protect you. All false-lease organizations will be driven out and stripped of their unjust enrichments.  15 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG's) will be satisfied - and that is not all - that is the trailhead back to a free and balanced country! Hoorah!

This is not a commercial venture by any means.  Nor is FVLA a standalone entity.  FVLA is the 12th article in the ESP  tool-set.  Please read about the PAL Platform© to understand individuals and small groups are permitted to partake the orthodox LBS process and the lease ownership portfolios (and the importance to the nation).  You may download/distribute featuredcontent.pdf, a quick study guide for offline reference. These slideshows enhance understanding of platform abilities, electric vehicle conversions & use of wasted resources, definition of self-funded, mobilized team building, housing marginalized, etc – the power literally placed at your fingertips.

Let's understand what Teutonic Funding is...




