is us:
We will always be:
Welcome! Greetings to All Who Visit Us!
Liga Teutonica, circa 1700 BC, is the
progenitor of all world trade associations 501c(6), including United Nations today.
Hartsock files contain the original composition of both organizations
all in between.
It is logical to believe the working-plans back then, which were successful
for nearly four millennium, are the solution for what is not working now in 2025.
In order to achieve
15 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG's),
fund and manage the return to the one
nation of AD 1701, I constructed a platform for harmonious reinstitution of the
ancient core
components with an ultra-high degree of automation for the financial
phenomenon of logical mathematics.
Now every person alive,
and those yet to be born, not just government or UN officials, can use them
on their own behalf and for the benefit of others and their communities
under law. It is logical and lawful for any person to help solve
problems when the government cannot solve problems for us or itself.
When this happens, the governments are fully supported, the rich do get
richer, and the poor become richer than them.
FVLA is devoted to Teutonic funding, a Available again today,
the ancient way provides for citizen participation in all aspects of funding
The first to use is the logical funding mechanisms, which serve multiple
benefits simultaneously to all actors and the nation.
One of several decks on the platform, FVLA explains the logical mathematics
of Teutonic funding and enables all people to apply the technology to their
lives and possibly participate in , how it differs from
54tr, which enable used with 100% success during the time of the.
Not only are these measures more valuable in health safety, well-being,
dollars and cents than any previous time in history, implementing them is
the only solution for threats to life on earth
FVLA is the central deck of this platform where people plan operations, fund
them, monitor progress, and sustain them for future generations with
universal vigilance.
which are the same
goals of all nations
throughout time,There are a number of interdependent decks on the platform.
Each contains specific computer-processors and assets to bring forth the
age-old remedies. infor various functions. The FVLA (this) deck is
Each deck with processor modules grouped
is the deck to describe and use a financial phenomenon - the orthodox monetary multiplier mechanisms used to
build manned-fleets, mounted-police, individual households, and whole
nations without a cost, with a substantial return.
These financial apparati have been
concealed, or fragmented and commercialized, by privateers who had access to
the privy council +/or the Holy See beginning early in the 14th, in
the 15th century since AD 1701.
Returning to use now is a gain for everyone and unborn, no cost, only one
part, list the other parts and link them. - get a common theme and read one
solution...and Kim II
There are three categories in Teutonic funding: actors, operations, and a
principles engineer.
We discuss the changes made to the components and the ill-effects upon us
all to identify illegal contracts for retroactive reclamation in the
immediate future.
The focus here is to make great gains immediately by using this component in
the operations
We recognize illegitimate deviations to the functionality of the fruitful
unions as privateering of the core components down through the
in between formations causing the disffunctional differences and deviations
so its members may achieve
core component to meld
Its success and longevity are due to its self-funded, self-protected,
and self-governed (autonomous) organization by compliant administration of
the statistical, financial, and legal instruments embedded in the monetary
system. Until 1701 AD, global commerce was cost-free for the merchants
and consumers within the family nations overseas due to the monetary
multiplier mechanisms. Contraventions to trade laws were easily recognized
by counting houses and law enforcement was mostly done by defunding
offenders on the general ledger.
Liga Teutonica, circa 1700 BC, is the progenitor of all world trade
associations, including United Nations. Its success and longevity are
due to its self-funded, self-protected, and self-governed (autonomous)
organization by compliant administration of the statistical, financial, and
legal instruments embedded in the monetary system. Until 1701 AD,
global commerce was cost-free for the merchants and consumers within the
family nations overseas due to the monetary multiplier mechanisms.
Contraventions to trade laws were easily recognized by counting houses and
law enforcement was mostly done by defunding offenders on the general
Descending from the Teutonic Tribe - creators of all monetary systems for Dynasty I, Monarchy One, and
the Sumerian Kings List - Liga Teutonica enabled harmonious world trade circa
1700 BC as a family business, under family law.
The league was prosperous from day-one due to
the monetary-multiplier mechanisms embedded in the coinage system. It
was sustained by firm application of the laws and vision also embedded in
the circulation of money, As
family nations (bio-genically connected)
responsible use of natural resources, and total respect for global
human rights. It was sustained for thousands of years by firm application of
Teutonic Law statistical data module
, total respect for global human rights, and responsible use of natural
resources. .
FVLA is a core component of the "One Solution"
creators of harmonious world trade, progenitor of United Nations,
While some people are clowning around in space, drunk on TV, robbing the
public, cheating patent/copyright holders, unbalancing the earth with
wayward, careless and illegal mining; you have millions of homeless children
(<14) with 32 vacant houses rotting per homeless person, 90K missing people
- mostly Uradel seniors taken for their estates, out-of-control healthcare &
education costs, a huge national debt and a social security system based on
false assets of others are making off with the riches of the earth
FVLA is not a commercial venture by any means, nor is it political. FVLA
is a
pro-government, anti-crime platform made for
public discussion, planning and execution of the
ordained funding
instruments that came with the
dollar bill coinage
system. that the Christian, Judean,
and Islamic religions are based upon. Contraventions, abatement,
and/or ignorance of these essential operations is the cause of every
financial and physical problem on earth today, therefore the re-institution. The FVLA operations are not
comparable to the so-called leases in the USA where the words "lease" and
"mortgage" are used to disguise illegal loans and fraudulent securitization
based on stolen assets. Teutonic lease operations have been used
successfully for more than four millennium to cause world growth without a cost,
at a profit. Today we are Teutonica Inc using these age old monocratic
multipliers to quickly solve serious, life-threatening world problems:
15 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG's),
POVERTY Economic growth must be inclusive to provide
sustainable jobs and promote equality.
HUNGER The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for
development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.
HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the
well-being for all at all ages is essential.
EDUCATION Obtaining a quality education is the foundation
to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.
GOAL 5: GENDER EQUALITY is a fundamental human right,
a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and
sustained world.
WATER AND SANITATION Clean, accessible water for all is an
essential part of the world we want to live in.
AND CLEAN ENERGY is central to every major
challenge and opportunity.
WORK & ECONOMIC GROWTH Sustained economic growth to create the conditions that allow people to have
quality jobs.
infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.
universal policies in principle & practice, especially
disadvantaged & marginalized populations.
CITIES & COMMUNITIES Create a future in which
even opportunities and full services are provided for all and more.
CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION Eliminate waste, hording, make
gainful use of over-production resources.
ACTION Climate change is a global challenge that affects
everyone, everywhere.
ON LAND Sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt
biodiversity loss.
JUSTICE & STRONG INSTITUTIONS Access to justice for all,
revive effective institutions at all levels.
Close the list of SDGs
Amber Gouldthorpe
Founding Executive Director
I am a senior software engineer for ESP Tech World and I am part of a very high-tech family (my father invented and patented the
ARM chip for FIOS). As far as longevity, we are the family (Cimrian &
Ambronen Teutoinic Tribes) who put up Stonehenge to rebalance the earth (
𐤒 ) after the gold was removed from
Gouldthorpe, now England. I can tell you from living in four countries and visiting many others, USA
(not US!) has a huge problem with fraudulent vehicle leases. Orthodox leases
are, and have been, the core component of global
finance since 1750 BC.
Contraventions toleases only served grossly unjust income to a long-running organized crime ring who are all caught now in
their own devices. Do not worry because there are automatic solutions
built into the USD coinage system for this (and all forms of deviate
solutions are "granular", meaning the daily operations are performed between
individuals with the benefits going directly to individuals, governed by
themselves under law with no room for financial-deviation. the lease structures are "molecular", meaning both
operation income and the created-benefits can be passed out evenly among the
citizenry. Many costs are eliminated and income streams are created by
going granular. Most vehicles pay for themselves. Preowned vehicle
availability is unlimited.
Liga Teutonica created world trade in 1750 BCAlso It's verified around the
world, Hartsocks are the oldest health and human service providers in written history. Hartsocks provided the monetary systems an currency to every kingdom, country, state, beginning in 2650 BC through 1701, the .
The word "lease"
A harmonious solution to 321 years of murder, theft and concealment
Usurp the usurpers! FVLA provides international licenses,
our systems© for monocratic multiplication, personal services,
registered securities, and Teutonic funding to individuals, which enables
each them to build an ineradicable income for their lifetime, their families, and future generations within one year.
As you enrich yourselves at titanic savings to the consumers, your entire
community and everyone in it, especially your governments, will thrive
and protect you. All false-lease organizations will be driven out and
stripped of their unjust enrichments.
15 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG's)
will be satisfied - and that is not all - that is the
trailhead back to a free and balanced country! Hoorah!
POVERTY Economic growth must be inclusive to provide
sustainable jobs and promote equality.
HUNGER The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for
development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.
HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the
well-being for all at all ages is essential.
EDUCATION Obtaining a quality education is the foundation
to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.
GOAL 5: GENDER EQUALITY is a fundamental human right,
a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and
sustained world.
WATER AND SANITATION Clean, accessible water for all is an
essential part of the world we want to live in.
AND CLEAN ENERGY is central to every major
challenge and opportunity.
WORK & ECONOMIC GROWTH Sustained economic growth to create the conditions that allow people to have
quality jobs.
infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.
universal policies in principle & practice, especially
disadvantaged & marginalized populations.
CITIES & COMMUNITIES Create a future in which
even opportunities and full services are provided for all and more.
CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION Eliminate waste, hording, make
gainful use of over-production resources.
ACTION Climate change is a global challenge that affects
everyone, everywhere.
ON LAND Sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt
biodiversity loss.
JUSTICE & STRONG INSTITUTIONS Access to justice for all,
revive effective institutions at all levels.
Close the list of SDGs
This is not a commercial venture by any
means. Nor is FVLA a standalone entity. FVLA is the 12th article in
tool-set. Please read about the
PAL Platform© to understand individuals and small groups are permitted to partake
the orthodox LBS process and the lease ownership portfolios (and the
importance to the nation). You may
featuredcontent.pdf, a quick study guide for offline
reference. These slideshows
enhance understanding of platform abilities, electric vehicle conversions &
use of wasted resources, definition of self-funded, mobilized team building, housing
marginalized, etc – the power literally placed at your fingertips.
Let's understand what Teutonic Funding is...
Money, Law & Leasing Run in a Circle. When Leasing is Not Round, the USD
Turns Upside Down.
Fair, Level-Yield Lease vs Common Captive Lease
Leasing is a core industry, "Auto Sales & Leasing Drive the US Economy.", says the US Dept. of Commerce
Fair leasing dates back to the fourth millennium BCE Bahrain and 1750 BCE Phoenicia, which are also the origins of modern languages and modern money. Historians know every successful country's economy has fair leasing at its foundation. Any nation that violates the laws of leasing is doomed to fail. [ref. all laws, ever: www.americanheritage.bar] Altered leases are a very short-lived, unjust enrichment for very few individuals. In addition to disabling trade, contrived leases are also self-defeating. Many new-car manufacturers/lessors have come full circuit, now facing eminent disaster. Tsunamis of over-priced lease return cars are flooding with no market or lease funding for them. As it turns out, those who eliminated the competitive fair leasing sources back then need FVLA products and services more than anyone now that the economy has revolved.
Someday soon, people will recognize fair, level-yield used vehicle leasing the harmonious economic solution for their individual financial problems as well as the cure for monetary problems around the globe. When that day comes, you will be very glad to know the Fair Vehicle Leasing Association has the exclusive rights to distribute the world's only copyrighted used vehicle leasing enterprise software without a charge.
If it is money you are after, if money is your measure of success, entrepreneurs, economists, investors, and opportunists will see orthodox used vehicle leasing as a golden opportunity of a lifetime. About 27 million American drivers may exit their captive lease by converting to a fair lease contract without a loss, cost, or any contingent liability. The fair lease difference can mean $10,000's in savings per vehicle for consumers; $1,000's in earned income for sellers and lessors; and enough extra fair lease tax revenue for governments to rebuild their infrastructure every three years. It seems if only 13% of North American Drivers convert to a fair lease, the pending economic crash would be averted (c. 2018 - 2019).
A fair lease is simple mathematics, a lot like a simple-interest loan except no down payment is required or desired. The lessor and lessee agree on the lease-end-value (LEV, residual), so the payment pays down the capital cost at a steady rate as they drive. The periodic payment is comprised of three simple ingredients:
- + the period depreciation, (Capital Cost - LEV) ÷ Term (usually months)
- + the lease fee, which is similar to the interest charge in a loan
- + the lease tax, which is the base payment times the local sales-tax rate
- = the total lease payment.
In a level-yield fair lease, each portion of the payment remains the same amount throughout the term, steadily paying down the purchase price/capital cost. If a driver decides to terminate early, the remaining lease fee charges are dropped like a simple interest loan. Therefore, fair-lessees pay for only what they use and can trade at any time because they seldom owe more than the vehicle is worth. If they are inequitable at early termination and the deficit is small, it can be paid off separately or rolled into the cost of a subsequent lease. Alternately and popular, a fair lease can be legally transferred to a new driver, relieving the first lessee of all rights and responsibilities. Any incidental equity established in a fair lease belongs to the lessee at termination either early or scheduled.
Fair lease drivers can and will trade often for desire, changes in driving habits or needs, and also to avoid the higher costs of maintenance and repairs. Individuals, companies, and households can increase their monthly buying power by as much as 31% by converting to fair vehicle leases. The government, the auto industry, and the surrounding community also enjoy a huge increase of income from the higher trade volume. Simultaneously, they decrease their workload and eliminate expenses. This is the way it was before contrived leases, the way leasing is supposed to be, the way it is for FVLA members, VFLO© operators, and all the users of www.AutoLeaseAuctions.com, where we have zero tolerance for unfair leasing.
An unfair lease pay-back (amortization) structure starts paying all lease charges (similar to interest in a loan) first, which is an unknown rate, never disclosed. The total amount of each lease payment goes to pay 100% of the lease charges for the entire lease term. Next, all "additional fees" – an undisclosed aggregate amount – which may include administration fees, pack, termination fees, et cetera, and taxes if any, are paid 100% from the payment stream before the first dime (10¢) buys down the capitalized-cost, which may include an array of charges in addition to the purchase price, which is also undisclosed to the lessee. On average, a deviated lease leaves drivers owing more than 203% of the value of their vehicle during the term because of the unfair pay-back structure. Some lessees who lease new-vehicles late in the model year run will owe 241% or more of their vehicles depreciating value throughout the lease. Actual example new 2018 4dr Sedan leased in October:
- $26,600.00 purchase price (MSRP $30,815)
- $36,894.00 early termination amt (35 remaining payments plus residual value)
- $18,200.00 actual cash value Oct/18 (MMR average wholesale value)
- $18,694.00 deficit on delivery (203% payoff due on delivery)
All things considered, flexibility to trade is more valuable than money and inflexibility costs a lot more money, for example according to Edmunds, this model will cost $3,148.00 in scheduled maintenence and repairs during the warranty period. Unknown to most people, in an equal comparison, a fair, level-yield lease costs consumers far less and earns slightly more for orthodox lease lenders, while eliminating risk for all parties. Captive leases with ultra-high payoffs disable trade.
In it's worst form, which is their norm, the residual-value of an altered, unfair lease is inflated, which enables promotion of uncharacteristically lower payments – after a sizeable down payment, dealer-discount and significantly lower use-value especially concerning allowed annual mileage. An end-of-termloss from a ratcheted-residual-value may, or may not, be assigned to the consumer in some amount with the remainder paid by the financier (investor behind the lease-lender).
For your knowledge, we publish a lot more information and comparisons of fair vs. unfair vehicle leasing. I suggest reading (narrator) the following sections, then check the boxes next to the appropriate items in the Action & Resource Center.
Unorthodox Leases are the Primary Cause;
Ordained/Orthodox Leases are the Cure.
Do the Math. Everyone Loses, Even/Especially the Devious Lessors
Bad for Consumers: Most captive new car leases are diabolical in that their payments amortize the lease-fees and taxes 100% before paying down the original cost of the vehicle. This leaves the consumers grossly upside down and unable to trade throughout the lease. A driver is lucky to pay down the balance to the original price after twenty-seven periodic payments. During that time, the vehicle has suffered substantial depreciation. Worse yet, the early termination payoff amount is the sum of the remaining payments, plus taxes, residual value, and even charges for miles over the contractual allowance. There is no discount for the unearned lease fees whatsoever and a significant early termination fee is added as a matter of fact.
Worse, consumers are unaware of this devilment due to changes to disclosure requirements in the Truth in Leasing Act of 1976 during 2010. Contrived leases started small in 1985 by G.M.A.C. and today captive leases are the norm. While these contracts have some characteristics of a lease, they have all the attributes of an illegal loan.
FVLA consumer solutions begin with myCarQ© and in-depth online quotations on request of any number of vehicles with or without trade-ins. FVLA has the technology to compare leasing, cash-purchase and finance side-by-side, anytime, anywhere. Changing how consumers pay for ground transport can mean a savings of over $200,000.00 during a driving lifetime so FVLA services never end.
Bad for Sellers: The Department of Commerce says auto sales drive the USA economy. Normally, auto dealerships are the seventeenth largest employer in United States. Loss of business caused by... more
Bad for Sellers: The Department of Commerce says auto sales drive the USA economy. Normally, auto dealerships are the seventeenth largest employer in United States. Loss of business caused by captive leasing and other Big Auto actions has forced hundreds-of-thousands of dealers out of business. Eighty-five percent of the prospective buyers who visit the showroom leave without buying a vehicle, most because they are too buried in their current vehicle finance. The tremendous cost of advertising, and other expenses, are passed on to those who buy, making the arduous tasks of the auto sales professional much more difficult and a lot less rewarding than they should be.
Financially wise shoppers help their dealer save time and money because all costs of sales are passed on to the consumer as you well know. Without fair leasing as a primary solution, the costs will always be high and the profits will always be low at the American new-car dealerships making them uncompetitive. By hook and crook, contrived lessors monopolize the showrooms and control salespersons to promote devious contracts that cause exactly the opposite of the desired result of any professional sales organization. Without fair leasing, sales staff are unable to conduct business with shoppers who are buried in their trade. It is near impossible to establish a repeat business portfolio. Dealerships have trouble obtaining, training, and maintaining sales staff. At the end of the endeavor, dealerships lose an average of $256 per vehicle on over sixteen-million transactions each year according to the National Auto Dealers Association (NADA).
FVLA provides the technology, curriculum, and oversight to create an expert outside staff for practical application of fair, level-yield pre-owned vehicle leasing to the unserved market sectors, then presents the complete transactions to the dealerships for delivery. Does this make sense? See the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© link below for details. less
Bad for Lenders: The fact is, every indirect lease-lender who altered the laws of leasing has filed bankruptcy, bar none. You may think leases with altered amortization (to pay lease-fees first) are... more
Bad for Lenders: The fact is, every indirect lease-lender who altered the laws of leasing has filed bankruptcy, bar none. You may think leases with altered amortization (to pay lease-fees first) are a boon for the financier and lessor. Not true. You may not care contrived-leases have an inflated residual value because that gives you a lower payment. It may not bother you to take a lease with a very short mileage allowance then negotiate, roll forward, or default on end-of-term liabilities. You may not realize the maintenance and repairs over and above the warranty during your lease period may cost more than the lease itself. And, you may think responsibility ends when the lease is transferred or when the vehicle is turned in.
The truth is, the success of indirect lease-lenders and their investors is wholly dependent on the efficient, lawful, and timely performance of several outside entities and government agencies. Since the contraventions began in 1985, losses are discovered too late, at the end of the lease, because lessors do not directly control the sales force (by design). Any single discrepancy, like an overrated residual-value for example, starts a chain of systematic failures, which is exactly what has happened to all the national banks, and about seventy independent lessors in America, which amounts to all of them. Many, if not most, auto lease financiers today are foreign investors, which presents a double jeopardy for USA taxpayers under International Trade Treaty guarantees if/when investor fraud in found. The industry is in chaos with multiple factors adversely affecting the value of leased cars not to mention tidal waves of vehicles coming in off lease all at the investors/taxpayers expense.
FVLA is contributing an assortment of systems© for indirect lessors to revamp their portfolio, safely enter the orthodox used vehicle leasing market as a supplement, and/or use as a profitable disposal for off lease vehicles. The Lease-Lender Lockbox System©, the sectional Pre-Owned Orthodox Lease Fund Software© and the Direct Auto Lease Program© provide accurate residual calculations, selling, credit, compliance, funding, disposal, remarketing, and short-cycle repeat business services for about 12% of conventional lease creators' expense. Participants will earn much more income while distributing a much more attractive, lower rate. less
Bad for Government: Auto sales tax provides the single largest revenue to every state except one, Texas, where auto sales tax revenue is second to taxes on mining and oil refinement. Leases that bury... more
Bad for Government: Auto sales tax provides the single largest revenue to every state except one, Texas, where auto sales tax revenue is second to taxes on mining and oil refinement. Leases that bury consumers disable trade and limit the price of future vehicles and subsequent purchases of other goods and services. Considering peripheral costs and losses, the lease bubble problem appears to revolve around $4 trillion in the United States. Unlike the housing bubble where the value of the property eventually equals the amount owed, autos always end up in the junkyard with only the use of them by the driver to show as value.
Our federal government will be stronger, self-defensible, and four-times more prosperous when fair, level-yield used vehicle leasing is restored to the states. Used vehicle lease volume is approximately 240% larger than new-vehicle leasing and there is no reason or mechanism to alter the structure of used vehicle leases. The Fair Vehicle Leasing Association is a nonprofit organization, able to legally contribute literary material to government agencies for the good of the public. In addition to lockbox software, which automatically apportions lease-tax, the FVLA contributions include literal reports of cost and effect of tax regulation, enabling and encouraging trade, and special projects and fund-raisers for road & bridge repair, in example. less
Bad for the Global Economy: Being under-water on your house because of pricing or poor financing is a horrible thing but eventually you will owe less on it than it is worth as you pay it down and/or the value rises over the years. Being upside-down in your automobile loan or lease because of poor pricing, predatory financing, or unfair leasing is much, much worse because vehicles depreciate. You can never catch up. They always end up in the junkyard someday. If you try and keep one, by the time you pay it off, you've spent so much in repairs that you could have bought two, and you are left with an older model with many more repairs. Unfair leases multiply and accelerate losses unnecessarily for the driver and the financier after the lease is over. The point of writing unfair leases is for manufacturers to maximize their income every two or three years, which has caused an enormous surplus of used cars. All that metal, skin and human effort sitting around depreciating is a horrible waste of resources beside the cost in money. The total cost to humankind is unknown, but surely trillions will be saved by incorporating good, fair, level-yield used-vehicle leasing into the mix.
Request more data including case studies and research or make contact to set up a personal online meeting to discuss the problems caused by inordinate leasing and the solutions presented by straight-forward, fair leasing.
To Gain –
to Prosper Together is the One Solution, an Lucrative & Lasting
The Figures Don't Lie; The Liars Don't Figure. Prove It to Yourself.
It's true, a fair lease is the absolutely lowest cost and most flexible way to obtain personal transportation and the most lucrative way to market and finance automobiles, which you can compare & prove to yourself here or, do the math on your personal transportation at one of our sites.
1. Important: Straight UVL is way less expensive than new-vehicle leasing, costs much less than a conventional loan, and costs less to own than a cash purchase while providing exactly the same values to the driver, seller, lender, and the economy. Availability of qualified used vehicles and credit-worthy consumers is at least 2.58 times greater for used vehicle leasing. Prove it...
1. Important: Straight UVL is way less expensive than new-vehicle leasing, costs much less than a conventional loan and costs less to own than a cash purchase while providing exactly the same values to the driver, seller, lender and the economy. Availability of qualified used vehicles and credit-worthy consumers is at least 2.58 times greater for used vehicle leasing. Fold This...
A: Orthodox Used Vehicle Lease vs Orthodox New Vehicle Lease
The figures don't lie, yet even some industry leaders profess new-vehicle leasing (NVL) costs the same or less than UVL without ever calculating either one. Common sense tells us, and mathematics prove otherwise in every comparison, especially contrived unorthodox new-vehicle leases. A pre-owned orthodox lease costs less initially, per month, to drive, to trade, and even costs less to own.
Table T1 clears the question once and for all with a completely fair comparison based a 2017 Camaro 2SS, 1G1FH1R75H0188432, with 7 miles on the odometer and full factory warranty. This car, currently listed/located in the Manheim Auto Auction inventory, provides equal value whether purchased with cash, financed, leased as new, or obtained on a used-vehicle-lease-to-own contract. You are invited to construct comparisons on multiple vehicles of your choice, different terms and/or conditions at Auto Lease Auctions: |
T1 |
Price |
Initial Amt |
Mo Pmt |
Total Pmts |
Purch Opt |
Cost-2-Own |
C-2-O w/TVM |
$50,330 |
$614 |
$614 |
$36,840 |
$22,044 |
$58,884 |
$58,884 |
$40,150 |
$494 |
$494 |
$29,640 |
$16,819 |
$46,459 |
$44,451 |
Save |
$10,180 |
$120 |
$120 |
$7,200 |
$5,225 |
$12,425 |
$14,433 |
% |
20% |
20% |
20% |
20% |
24% |
21% |
25% |
* $0 down payment. Comparison excludes taxes and fees, if any. Rate based on A-credit (A+ - C available). Term 60 months. Annual Mileage Allowance = 12,000. Only actual figures from the MMR, UCMR and NADA were used for pricing to make sure the value/benefit to the seller (equal profit) is identical. Only actual rates, terms, & conditions from CULA and ALG are used in this comparison to ensure the lender's equal opportunity for income as well. An EIR (earned interest rate) of 9.36% APR is chosen by averaging the current home equity rate of 4.74% and the lowest credit card rate of 13.99% for TVM examples.
A copy of the documents and worksheets are available upon request: 800 339-6989 (0 for operator). Full disclosures are available at Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. online:2017 Chevrolet Camaro SS. |
CONCLUSION: Used-vehicle leasing provides 21% savings over new-vehicle leasing in this equal comparison. Time value of money applied to the series of monthly savings increases UVL savings advantage to 25% over NVL. The seller's margin is equal in this comparison and although the lender's income is less because of the lower UVL price, availability of used vehicles for leasing is substantially higher; and UVL's realistic amortization enables short-cycle trading, which multiplies seller/lessor income exponentially. Risk Management: The UVL purchase option amount is $5,225 less. The current Manheim Market Report average wholesale value of a 5-year-old (2012) Camaro 2SS with 60K miles is $17,950 indicating at least $1,131 equity at scheduled termination of the used vehicle lease against a probable inequity of at least $4,094 at lease end of the new-vehicle lease. Early termination of the UVL is enabled by a fair payoff amount less than, or close to, the depreciating value of the vehicle, or employing the legal assumption option with a third-party take-over driver for a very low payment; where the NVL lessee & lessor will be upside/down for the duration of the lease, and lease assumption is probably disabled by the unattractive high monthly payment. Tax revenue from the NVL is greater, but disabling the natural trade cycles of residents renders incalculable damage to the community's economy.
T2 demonstrates a more likely comparison between a 2015 Chevrolet Camaro 2SS, 2G1FK1EJ5F9102719, with 3,659 miles (also listed/located in the Manheim Auto Auction inventory) to the new Camaro 2SS, 1G1FH1R75H0188432. The vehicles are most similar with the exceptions of 12-months less time and only 29,941 miles covered by factory warranty on the two-year-old; the 2015 unmodified 6.2L V8 factory engine has less horsepower, yet it has more equipment, including a power moon-roof: |
T2 |
Price |
Initial Amt |
Mo Pmt |
Total Pmts |
Purch Opt |
Cost-2-Own |
C-2-O w/TVM |
$50,330 |
$614 |
$614 |
$36,840 |
$22,044 |
$58,884 |
$58,884 |
$25,542 |
$327 |
$327 |
$19,620 |
$10,520 |
$30,140 |
$25,338 |
Save |
$24,788 |
$287 |
$287 |
$17,220 |
$11,524 |
$28,724 |
$33,546 |
% |
49% |
47% |
47% |
47% |
52% |
49% |
57% |
* $0 down payment. Comparison excludes taxes and fees, if any. Rate based on A-credit (A+ - C available). Term 60 months. Annual Mileage Allowance = 12,000. Only actual figures from the MMR, UCMR and NADA were used for pricing to make sure the value/benefit to the seller (equal profit) is identical. Only actual rates, terms, & conditions from CULA and ALG are used in this comparison to ensure the lender's equal opportunity for income as well. A copy of the documents and worksheets are available upon request: 800 339-6989 (0 for operator). Full disclosures are available at Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. online: 2015 Chevrolet Camaro SS; and vehicle information exists at every licensed industry source. |
CONCLUSION: Used-vehicle leasing provides 48% average savings over new-vehicle leasing in this subjective comparison. The future value of the monthly savings raises the UVL advantage to 57%. The seller's margin is equal in this comparison and although the lender's income is less because of the lower UVL price, availability of used vehicles for leasing is substantially higher; and UVL's realistic amortization enables short-cycle trading, which multiplies seller/lessor income intentionally. Risk Management: The UVL purchase option amount is $11,524 less. The current Manheim Market Report average wholesale value of a 5-year-old (2010) Camaro 2SS with 60K miles is $15,800 indicating at least $4,276 equity at scheduled termination of the used vehicle lease, against a probable inequity of at least $4,094 at lease end of the new-vehicle lease. The value of factory warranties, extended warranties, scheduled maintenance, and trade-flexibility are compared in Part 2. Early termination of the UVL is enabled by a fair payoff amount less than, or close to, the depreciating value of the vehicle, or employing the legal assumption option with a third-party take-over driver for a very low payment; where the NVL lessee & lessor will be upside/down for the duration of the lease, and lease assumption is probably disabled by the unattractive high monthly payment. Tax revenue from the NVL is greater, but disabling the natural trade cycles of residents renders incalculable damage to the community's economy.
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B: Orthodox Used Vehicle Lease vs Simple Interest Loan
No matter how a car is paid for, even if you double the price or if it is a gift, an automobile can only render one value - the use of it. Why pay for any more than you can possibly get? You do not prepay for groceries or other depreciating necessities, why prepay for use of a vehicle before you use it? It's true, auto ownership is a tremendous liability and expense – and provides absolutely no monetary benefit whatsoever. But, in the absence of good, level-yield leasing, simple-interest financing is best for personal transportation.
Table T3 exemplifies initial, monthly, and term cost advantages of pre-owned vehicle leasing over conventional simple-interest loan financing of the 2015 Chevrolet Camaro 2SS Coupe, VIN 2G1FK1EJ5F9102719. In addition, this comparison defines an equity position at the end of the lease/loan term to determine the lessee's options to extract all or part of their equity, extend their lease, take a loan for the purchase option amount, walk away, lease a newer model, or purchase the car in consideration that ownership has a value: |
T3 |
Price |
Initial Amt |
Mo Pmt |
Total Pmts |
Trans Equity** |
TVM Equity*** |
Finance |
$25,500 |
$2,980 |
$453 |
$30,160 |
$15,800 |
$15,800 |
Orthodox UVL |
$25,500 |
$349 |
$349 |
$20,940 |
$14,500 |
$18,030 |
Lease Savings |
$0 |
$2,631 |
$104 |
$9,220 |
- $1,300 |
$2,230 |
Advantage % |
0% |
88% |
23% |
31% |
- 8% |
14% |
* $0 lease down payment; $2,980 loan down payment. Comparison includes sales/use tax at 7% ($1,785) and local fees. Rate based on A credit-tier (A+ - C available). Loan APR = 4.53%. Term 60 months. Annual Mileage Allowance = 12,000 (12K - 35K available). Only actual figures from the MMR, UCMR and NADA were used for pricing to make sure the value/benefit to the seller (equal profit) is identical. Only actual rates, terms, & conditions from CULA and ALG are used in this comparison to ensure the lender's equal opportunity for income as well. An EIR (earned interest rate) of 9.36% APR is chosen by averaging the current home equity rate of 4.74% and the lowest credit card rate of 13.99% for TVM examples.
Transaction Equity is based upon the MMR average wholesale value of a 5-year-old (2010) Camaro 2SS with 63,639 miles, $15,800.
** UVL Transaction Equity = MMR - Purchase Option Amt + Term Savings, or $15,800 - $10,520 + $9,220 = $14,500
*** UVL Transaction Equity w/TVM = MMR - Purchase Option Amt + Term Savings x (1+EIR), or $15,800 - $10,520 + $12,730 = $18,030
A copy of the documents and worksheets are available upon request: 800 339-6989 (0 for operator). Full disclosures are available at Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. online: 2015 Chevrolet Camaro SS. |
CONCLUSION: Pre-owned orthodox leasing provides exactly the same value - use of the Camaro - as conventional financing with a far lower cost during the 5-year term. The initial savings and monthly payment difference are compounded automatically by use inside the example household budget (see EIR) to an amount 14% greater than the purchase option at lease end for those of us who consider ownership as the ultimate value. For those that do not, the used vehicle lease provides a greater "return on investment" of equity at lease end, and more flexibility to trade early, with or without equity, to move up or down in model/cost, for job or life requirement, and/or to avoid maintenance and repairs, which are the highest undisclosed costs of personal transportation - discussed in part 2 of this document in detail. Taxes are lower on the lease, collected monthly and unlike finance contracts, taxes are removed on early termination and removed from the orthodox lease payoff. Smart buyers know auto loans have a profound negative effect on their personal/business financial statement, which can keep them from qualifying for a mortgage and/or curtail the amount of approved funding; where a lease is simply shown as a contingent monthly cost at a fixed amount. The debtor on a loan is an auto owner with their name on the title who is responsible for all losses including catastrophic loss above insurance coverage and unplanned rapid depreciation regardless of cause; where the lessee is not responsible for these losses or any amount lost at lease end due to market effects or improper residual value projections. Mention is made about the improved quality of life for the lessee's financial security position and increased household buying power. Even though profit and rate are equal in this example, the seller, lender, and government benefit more from the lease because more money is spent in the community instead of main-lining to the local junkyard, and the lessee can and will trade much more often creating multiple profits on the Camaro and multiple profits with each client.
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C: Orthodox Used Vehicle Lease vs Cash Purchase
All governments, most corporations, auto industry leaders, and all financially wise people lease their vehicles even though they have surplus revenue to pay cash for them. The reasons are clearly academic – vehicles depreciate rapidly, and money is much more valuable elsewhere. In other words, as shown below, the cost of the car placed in an investment earns enough to make the monthly payments and buy the vehicle at the end of the lease if desired, with the principal, or a lesser amount, intact left over... The act of "putting your money to work for you".
Tables T4 & T5 are fundamental, single-rate, term-account examples based on a 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, 1C4BJWFG3HL554205, with 3,026-miles on the odometer. This SUV is currently listed/located/available in the Manheim Auto Auction inventory. It is available for custom finance, lease, and cash purchase calculations/comparisons at Auto Lease Auctions, a real time sandbox. Everyone should go there, determine their own EIR, review reports and prove their best course of action on every vehicle, every time. |
T4: You can purchase this Wrangler outright and pay $45,074 (includes sales tax at 7.00%, $2,949) in cash when you pick it up. Or you can lease the Jeep, for $448 per mo for 60 months including tax. If you lease and place the amount you would have paid in cash, $45,074, in an account like a low-rate hard-loan, 4.74% APR, the total cost for 5-years of leasing then buying this Rubicon (including tax) is $3,176 less than paying cash up front. Your auto financial model will look like this:
Month |
Begin Principal |
+ |
Earned Interest |
- |
Lse Pmt |
= |
End Balance |
- |
Lse Payoff |
= |
UR Ahead ! |
1 |
$45,074 |
+ |
$178 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$44,804 |
- |
$43,977, |
= |
$827 |
2 |
$44,804 |
+ |
$177 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$44,533 |
- |
$43,675, |
= |
$858 |
3... |
$44,533 |
+ |
$176 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$44,261 |
- |
$43,373, |
= |
$888... |
12... |
$42,142 |
+ |
$166 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$41,860 |
- |
$38,994, |
= |
$2,866... |
At the end of month 60, you will have $30,115, and you can buy the Wrangler Unlimited for $25,177, plus tax of $1,762, for a total cost of $26,939 to own. Cost-To-Ownership (C2O) is $3,176 less by Leasing-To-Own.
T5: Discussed above, it is easy to raise your EIR to 9.36% APR in a household budget or a very small business. If so, the total cost for 5-years of leasing then buying this (including tax) is $17,814 less than paying cash up front. Your auto financial model will look like this:
Month |
Begin Principal |
+ |
Earned Interest |
- |
Lse Pmt |
= |
End Balance |
- |
Lse Payoff |
= |
UR Ahead ! |
1 |
$45,074 |
+ |
$352 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$44,978 |
- |
$43,977, |
= |
$1,001 |
2 |
$44,978 |
+ |
$351 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$44,881 |
- |
$43,675, |
= |
$1,206 |
3... |
$44,881 |
+ |
$350 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$44,783 |
- |
$43,373, |
= |
$1,410... |
24... |
$43,585 |
+ |
$340 |
- |
$448 |
= |
$43,477 |
- |
$35,370, |
= |
$8,107... |
At the end of month 60, you will have $44,753, and you can buy the Wrangler Unlimited for $25,177, plus tax of $1,762, for a total cost of $26,939 to own. Cost-To-Ownership (CTO) is $17,814 less by Leasing-To-Own.
There are many ways to compare lease-buy savings, and there are many ways to compound savings: flipping houses, dealers turn cars multiplexing money in amazing aggregates, and many business investments can double or even triple overnight.
CONCLUSION: Ownership really has no value and is foolish-looking on most financial statements because the cash-buyer lost liquidity and invested in an item that will lose all its value in about 12-years. MMR reports the wholesale value of a 5-year-old (2012) with 63,026 is $24,600 right now. Few, if any, cash-buyers have the mentality to sell off their purchase at such prices
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D: Orthodox Used Vehicle Lease vs Unorthodox New Vehicle Lease
Referencing the AEIOU~Y Encyclopedia written by the same people who invented leasing, money, and wrote law, ORTHODOX means “order-of-the-ox” (Tribe of Ephraim) – the right way to do things or suffer the consequences under natural law as things come around whether you are caught or not.
An orthodox lease is structured like this with no down payment required or desired, but available. It is not a loan. It is an annuity due, a financial instrument custom designed per driver to pay for the use of a vehicle while they are using it. The driver is allowed 12,000 miles per year in this example. The lease-end-value (residual, salvage) is set at a safe, insurable amount to protect the lessor; If the LEV is higher, any equity established during the actual term belongs to the lessee, but if the actual LEV is lower and the vehicle was used as agreed, the lessor is responsible for the loss. The lease can be terminated at any time by paying off the balance as shown below or by allowing a third-party to take over the lease with no further obligation. An orthodox lease adheres to the Truth in Leasing Act of 1976 and is in 100% compliance with the Truth in Advertising Laws, Regulations M & Z, et al.
T6 |
Agreed Price: |
$30,000 |
Negotiation* |
Down Payment |
$0.00 |
Amt paid to reduce capital cost |
Leased Amt |
$30,000 |
Capitalized Cost* |
Lease End Value: |
$12,000 |
ALG +/- (driver, vehicle, geo factors) |
Lease Term: |
60 |
Nego + legal + practical limitations |
Mo Depreciation: |
$300.00 |
(Price - LEV) ÷ Term |
Lease Factor: |
0.00173 |
Set by lender [ = APR ÷ 2400] |
Mo. Lease Fee: |
$72.66 |
(Price + LEV) x Lease Factor |
Lease Payment: |
$372.66 |
(Mo Depreciation + Mo Lease Fee) |
Mo Use Tax (7%): |
$26.09 |
Mo Lease Pmt x Use Tax Rate |
Total Lease Pmt: |
$398.75 |
Mo Lease Payment + Mo Use Tax |
Early Payoff (7mo): |
$27,900 |
(Remaining Term x Mo Depreciation) + LEV* |
Legal Assumption: |
Yes |
3rd party takeover with lender approval |
Purchase Opt: |
$12,000 |
Lease End Value* |
* Capital Lease Cost may contain an administration fee. An early termination fee of 1-2 payments may be charged. A purchase option fee may be charged only at Lease termination. (Lease fees/charges are synonymous with interest charges in a loan.)
Unorthodox leases exist only in the USA, only on new vehicles, and only within some manufacturer's captive lending sources. Instead of designing a lease to match the driver's use, a contrived lease gives the illusion of the lowest monthly payment – especially the advertised lost-leader models with ultra-low mileage of only 2,500 mi per year, available to only the tip-top-credit-tier customers after a substantial down payment. An unorthodox lease attributes monthly payments to the cost of money (lease fees = interest charges in a loan) leaving the lessee with an extremely high payoff upon early termination, remaining lease fees nor taxes, are NOT waived and there is no contractual right to have the lease assumed. The term of an unorthodox lease is set by the lender, usually a short term. This example is based on 60 months and the driver is allowed 8,000 miles per year to make it comparable to our orthodox lease model in T6 above and T8 below. Not all new car captive lender leases are unethically designed, but the majority are. Not all factory lease incentives are contrived instruments, but many are. Buyer beware. Lender beware. Seller beware:
T7 |
Agreed Price: |
$30,000 |
No Negotiation* |
Down Payment |
$2,499.00 |
Capital Cost Reduction (plus tax) |
Leased Amount |
$27,501 |
Capital Cost* |
Lease End Value: |
$15,300 |
ALG + (static incentive adjustments) |
Lease Term: |
60 |
Static [usually 36 or 39] 60 for comparison |
Contract Depreciation: |
$203.35 |
(Price - LEV) ÷ Term (not applied) |
Lease Factor: |
0.00289 |
Set by lender [ = APR ÷ 2400] |
Contract Lease Fee: |
$123.69 |
(Price + LEV) x Lease Factor (capitalized) |
Lease Payment: |
$327.04 |
(Mo Depreciation + Mo Lease Fee) |
Mo Use Tax (7%): |
$22.89 |
Mo Lease Pmt x Use Tax Rate |
Total Lease Pmt: |
$349.93 |
Mo Lease Payment + Mo Use Tax |
Early Payoff (7mo): |
$33,846 |
Total Taxed Lse Pmt x (Term - 7) + LEV* |
Legal Assumption: |
No |
No assumption or Co-lessee take-over |
Purchase Opt: |
$15,300 |
Lease End Value* |
* Capital Lease Cost may contain an administration fee. An early termination fee of the total balance of payments plus residual value plus tax will be charged. A purchase option fee may be charged only at lease termination.
Undisguised, a contrived lease may be an illegal loan and unlawfully promoted, which can only be determined on a case-by-case basis after the consumer obtains the facts from the dealership in person. To avoid this entrapment, a simple solution known to all people is the essence of a good deal – What do you get vs. what do you pay?
Discussed below in Part A, ESP provides consumers with real-time applications and human services online to compare factory offers to both new and used orthodox leases, investigate used vs new leasing, pre-owned orthodox lease (POOL) vs finance, and POOL vs cash purchase. Comparing T6 & T7 above, this example is based on actual user mileage of 12,000 per year with 25¢ per mile over charge. ONVL = Orthodox New Vehicle Lease. UNVL = Unorthodox New Vehicle Lease.
T8 |
Mi Penalty |
UR Ahead! |
ONVL Payoff |
UNVL Payoff |
Advantage! |
Initial Cost |
$398.75 |
$3,023.86 |
$0.00 |
$2,625.11 |
$29,700 |
$35,946 |
$6,246 |
Month 2 |
$797.50 |
$3,373.79 |
$83.33 |
$2,659.62 |
$29,400 |
$35,596 |
$6,196 |
Month 3 |
$1,196.25 |
$3,723.72 |
$166.67 |
$2,694.14 |
$29,100 |
$35,246 |
$6,146 |
Month 4 |
$1,595.00 |
$4,073.65 |
$250.00 |
$2,728.65 |
$28,800 |
$34,896 |
$6,096 |
Month 5 |
$1,993.75 |
$4,423.58 |
$333.33 |
$2,763.16 |
$28,500 |
$34,546 |
$6,046 |
Month 6 |
$2,392.50 |
$4,773.51 |
$416.67 |
$2,797.68 |
$28,200 |
$34,196 |
$5,996 |
Month 7 |
$2,791.25 |
$5,123.44 |
$500.00 |
$2,832.19 |
$27,900 |
$33,846 |
$5,946 |
Lease End |
$23,925.00 |
$23,669.73 |
$5,000.00 |
$4,744.73 |
☚ Savings if you turn it in. |
Cost-2-Own |
$36,765.00 |
$40,040.73 |
$0.00 |
$3,275.73 |
☚ Savings if you buy it. |
The orthodox lessee enjoys considerable saving from the first day of driving to the last regardless if they terminate early, turn the car in, or buy it at the end of the lease. This driver is in control of their trade cycle, making equitable decisions. The unorthodox lessee spends thousands more for lower use-value and has substantial liability at termination with little or no equity. The unorthodox lease driver is financially trapped making choices between the lesser of three evils: pay exorbitant penalties, buy the unwanted auto for a high price, or mitigate losses by negotiating with the lessor/dealer for another unorthodox lease.
The orthodox lease seller enjoys multiple transactions with each client who is able to trade often. This seller is building a equitable portfolio of short-cycle repeat business clients and controls a rolling fleet of low-to-fair priced vehicles. The unorthodox lease dealer is forced to take reduced profits dictated by his franchisers advertising. Every lease written takes a client and their vehicle off the market for years to come if not forever. Every repeat customer is a repeat problem with contingent liabilities.
The orthodox lease lender enjoys a consistent flow of business that grows automatically at the power of four. This lessor spends their time on growth and business development, while unorthodox lessors create problems for themselves and others down the road in both directions. The unorthodox lease company spends the bulk of their time managing the bulk of the risk they created by writing high residuals and unprincipled amortization schedules.
Deviated leases are unfair competition for orthodox lessors who have little or no representation on the showroom floor. Historically, non compliant lease structures are the demise of every orthodox lessor and eventually, every unorthodox lease-lender. Captive lease incentives are the reason 4.4 million off-lease vehicles are now showing up at auctions all at once with no foreseeable wholesale or retail market for them. High prices, super-long-term financing, and erring leases are the reason the top credit-tier consumers of the auto ecosystem are so buried in their vehicle they cannot trade.
In 2009, Bankrate.com stated the average person would purchase or lease 18 vehicles throughout their driving lifetime. Today, Answers.com states the number is now 9 cars and says the biggest reason for the change is attributed to multiple economic recessions. Records indicate 79% of the American drivers are too far upside/down to trade, which is the probable primary cause 89% of the shoppers who visit a dealership to buy a vehicle leave without one.
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E: Orthodox Used Vehicle Lease General Benefits
Fortunate for all (including unorthodox lessors & lessees) orthodox used-vehicle leases (OUVL) are structured the same way as orthodox new-vehicle leasing with the added benefit of abating the heavy first year depreciation, like this on a current model pre-owned with less than 8K miles:
T9 |
Agreed Price: |
$22,500 |
75% of MSRP + Negotiation* |
Lease End Value: |
$11,500 |
ALG +/- (driver, vehicle, geo factors) |
Lease Term: |
60 |
Nego + legal + practical limitations |
Mo Depreciation: |
$183.33 |
(Price - LEV) ÷ Term |
Lease Factor: |
0.00173 |
Set by lender [ = APR ÷ 2400] |
Mo. Lease Fee: |
$58.82 |
(Price + LEV) x Lease Factor |
Lease Payment: |
$242.15 |
(Mo Depreciation + Mo Lease Fee) |
Mo Use Tax (7%): |
$16.95 |
Mo Lease Pmt x Use Tax Rate |
Total Lease Pmt: |
$259.10 |
Mo Lease Payment + Mo Use Tax |
Early Payoff (7mo): |
$21,217 |
(Remaining Term x Mo Depreciation) + LEV* |
Legal Assumption: |
Yes |
3rd party takeover with lender approval |
Purchase Opt: |
$11,500 |
Lease End Value* |
* Capital Lease Cost may contain an administration fee. An early termination fee of 1-2 payments may be charged. A purchase option fee may be charged only at Lease termination. (Lease fees/charges are synonymous with interest charges in a loan.)
The advantage belongs to the people who can apply pre-owned orthodox leasing at the point of sale. Pre-owed orthodox leasing (POOL) is the lowest cost to the consumer, easiest to sell, best income for funders, and leasing creates accountable, fair tax revenue, records, write-offs, and credits for businesses and governments.
Defined in the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© service manual, and carried out at Auto Economics, Auto Financial Advisers, & Auto Lease Auctions:
- About 29% of the 89% of the shoppers who visit dealerships and leave without obtaining a vehicle can be satisfied with a slightly used vehicle lease.
- 100% of good-credit drivers of the 79% who are trapped in a captive loan or lease can trade without a loss, cost, or contingent liability.
- Used car lessees increase their household buying power by as much as 31%.
- Auto sellers sustain as much 400% increase in used car business with proper application of UVL funding.
- Orthodox lease-lenders enjoy multiple benefits including a high look-to-book ratio, lease funding packages are guaranteed to cash on first presentation, no-to-low repossession rate, never a loss at early or scheduled termination, and a vibrant short-cycle repeat business portfolio.
- Defined below in Part 2, orthodox used vehicle leasing enables trade more frequently, which promotes an array of community benefits including establishment of a smooth, natural flow of off-lease vehicles to the remarketing arena.
- Defined in Part 3 below, pre-owned orthodox auto leasing is the only equitable instrument to remarket four million, four hundred thousand (4,400,000+) off-lease vehicles flooding our wholesale and retail markets this year.
- Under the rules of natural law, orthodox used vehicle leasing is the savior of the unorthodox lessors so they can continue their business plans with no-to-slight moderation and no-to-reduced exposure until the economy is recovered and redefined.
SUMMARY CONCLUSION: Unorthodox auto leases are palliative measures to move metal, make money, and save jobs for select corporations at the expense of consumers, dealers, auctions, financial institutions, residual value insurance groups, and the economy of others. Used vehicle leasing costs much less than any other method to obtain and maintain personal transportation while providing more benefits to all parties to every transaction. Only practical application of pre-owned orthodox auto leasing can solve the economic problems of the past, present, and future.
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2. More important, orthodox UVL pays down the cost of the vehicle at the same rate as the driver's personal depreciation enabling consumers to control their own trade-cycle for desire, need, and/or to avoid the higher costs of maintenance and repairs. Multiple transactions ensue creating an aggregate of economic benefits in the community. Show Me...
2. More important, orthodox UVL pays down the cost of the vehicle at the same rate as the driver's personal depreciation enabling consumers to control their own trade-cycle for desire, need, and/or to avoid the higher costs of maintenance and repairs. Multiple transactions, including regular service on every vehicle, ensue creating an aggregate of economic benefits in the community. Fold This...
Often short-quoted, the whole words of J. Paul Getty pertaining to acquiring property are, "if the item appreciates, buy it. If it depreciates, lease it because the use value is the same, and your money is more valuable elsewhere."
The goal of every auto leasing company is to own a portfolio of good repeat business that grows exponentially from primary transactions with each client. More money is made and clientele grows faster if everyone can trade more often. Therefore, every effort is made to keep the initial cost low, assure the lease funder is satisfied, and make certain amortization covers the driver's actual depreciation.
Because of extra new-vehicle costs like freight, manufacturer's margin, dealer expense, and higher year-end prices, heavy first-month depreciation causes new-car lessees to break even in their 27th-month of properly constructed orthodox lease. A slightly-used-vehicle purchased from a reliable source with a guarantee of condition, like the 2015 Camaro SS with 3,659 miles shown in table T2, renders an equitable position in less than a year.
T10 |
12 Mo Older
(15,659 mi) |
24 Mo Older
(27,659 mi) |
36 Mo Older
(39,659 mi) |
48 Mo Older
(51,659 mi) |
60 Mo Older
(63,659 mi) |
MMR Whsl Value |
$24,500 |
$20,800 |
$19,200 |
$17,700 |
$15,800 |
NADA Retail Value |
$30,025 |
$29,175 |
$22.125 |
$20,225 |
$17,725 |
UVL Payoff |
$22,876 |
$19,720 |
$16,564 |
$13,408 |
$10,870 |
Projected Whsl Equity* |
$1,324 |
$1,080 |
$3,636 |
$4,292 |
$4,930 |
Projected Retail Equity* |
$7,149 |
$9,455 |
$5,561 |
$6,617 |
$6,905 |
* Comparison excludes taxes and fees, if any. Annual Mileage Allowance = 12,000. Only actual figures from the MMR, and NADA were used for price projections. Only actual rates, terms, & conditions from CULA and ALG are used in this comparison. Projected costs of maintenance & repairs above factory warranty are obtained from Edmunds TCO® and adjusted for mileage. A copy of the documents and worksheets are available upon request: 800 339-6989. Full disclosures are available at Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. online: 2015 Chevrolet Camaro SS; and vehicle information exists at every licensed industry source. |
It's true, all new-car leases become used-vehicle leases when they hit the road. For those interested in ownership through leasing, realize the cost of required scheduled maintenance during the warranty period of a new vehicle is much higher than the cost of a current or one-year-old model combined with the cost of an extended service plan to cover repairs when they are most likely to occur, toward the end of the life-cycle of the vehicle.
The savant used vehicle lessee can trade, buy or extract equity any time. ESP systems© send monthly notifications reporting potential equity and warnings upcoming maintenance. Smart drivers will extract & use equity to upgrade to a newer model with no scheduled service due in the near future. The driver can consign the Camaro to Auto Lease Auctions, a 3-way bidding marketplace online, for a fair retail price/lease to increase their net return.
Plus, older vehicles cost more to maintain than fresh replacements. It's hard-to-believe but true Edmund's TCO® estimates the cost of maintenance and repairs outside of factory warranty on this beauty to be $337, $674, $337, $1,684, and $1,347 respectively over the next 5-years. $4,378 total out-of-pocket, post-tax-dollars, in addition to the cost of acquirement for the buyer. NADA reports franchised dealers alone wrote 300-million service tickets for an average of $450.00 each during 2016. The total is $127,523,885,186.00 for last year alone. This amount, hassle, and devaluation of quality driving is wholly avoided by the lessee through equitable short-cycle trading.
Few people realize the cost of scheduled maintenance when they purchase or lease a new vehicle. Failing to perform scheduled maintenance at an authorized dealership is cause for voiding the factory warranty. The cost of a 100,000 mile extended warranty combined with the cost of a slightly used vehicle is far less than the cost of a new vehicle and scheduled maintenance excluded from the factory warranty. Most extended warranties are transferable.
CONCLUSION: The orthodox lease driver enjoys each vehicle during its most useful life cycle for the lowest cost. The seller/dealer/lessor enjoys multiple transactions of moderate profit that aggregate to an amount five times greater than a single unorthodox lease. Regular service and routine maintenance is performed on every vehicle, paid by the owner who is the lessor with a profound interest in maintaining the maximum value of their fleet. Commerce, satisfaction, loyalty, legacy, and quality of life are increased in the community algorithmically.
A phenomenon discussed in Part 3 below exists because unorthodox lease residuals disturb the natural flow of off-lease vehicles returning to the market. This causes drastic used car price fluctuation and destabilizes the benchmark residual values set today. Evident within table T1 above and table T11, an error exists between the new and used-vehicle residual values; neither establish equity during the term when compared to the actual market value from the Manheim Market Report. This problem is solved by ESP's new Vehicle Residual Value© program, see Part A.
When the residual is too high, the problem is inequity during the term, which limits options to trade as needed. Our example is the orthodox used vehicle lease on the 2017 Camaro 2SS, 1G1FH1R75H0188432, with 7-miles on the odometer:
T11 |
12 Mo Older
(12,007 mi) |
24 Mo Older
(24,007 mi) |
36 Mo Older
(36,007 mi) |
48 Mo Older
(48,007 mi) |
60 Mo Older
(60,007 mi) |
MMR Whsl Value |
$30,100 |
$25,300 |
$22,500 |
$18,550 |
$17,100 |
NADA Retail Value |
$35,150 |
$29,675 |
$27,775 |
$23,925 |
$19,925 |
UVL Payoff |
$35,925 |
$31,077 |
$26,229 |
$21,381 |
$16,918 |
Projected Whsl Equity* |
- $5,825 |
- $5,777 |
- $3,729 |
- $2,831 |
$182 |
Projected Retail Equity* |
- $775 |
- $1,402 |
$1,546 |
$2,544 |
$3,007 |
* Comparison excludes taxes and fees, if any. Annual Mileage Allowance = 12,000. Only actual figures from the MMR, and NADA were used for price projections. Only actual rates, terms, & conditions from CULA and ALG are used in this comparison. Projected costs of maintenance & repairs above factory warranty are obtained from Edmunds TCO® and adjusted for mileage. A copy of the documents and worksheets are available upon request: 800 339-6989. Full disclosures are available at Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. online: 2017 Chevrolet Camaro 2SS; and vehicle information exists at every licensed industry source. |
ESP identifies the industry solution as setting the residual 10% to 13% below the adjusted MMR value for interim flexibility with the lessee having contractual rights to any incidental equity at termination. Auto Financial Advisers avoid risky residuals and demonstrate potential losses upon early termination. Ignoring these warnings, the orthodox used vehicle lessee still has the advantage with two practical options to terminate early without a loss, cost, or contingent liability:
- A legal lease assumption to a qualified third party releases the original driver of all obligations and dissolves any deficit by the end of the lease for the take-over driver.
- ESP's Deficit Elimination Program© pays off auto inequity with profits of "spin-off" transactions that originated from retail and lease advertisements placed on the vehicle.
and two low-loss methods to terminate early:
- the deficit can be minimized, paid and written off with the understanding the equity was never established.
- the deficit can be rolled into a subsequent lease with a slightly higher payment and may be disposed of by performing a legal assumption in the future.
CONCLUSION: View the solution, ESP's new real-time Vehicle Residual Value Service™, in Part A, number 10 below.
TECHNOLOGY: An auto transaction is the most complex sale on earth. A proper auto lease is eleven times more complex than an auto sale. The complexity of a used vehicle lease is multiplied by additional residual value calculations and the discovery of the real condition of the vehicle at the inception of the lease. Among many intellectual properties created during the last four-decades, ESP owns the only copyright for UVL Systems© worldwide ( www.copyright.gov #TX4498218 © 1994). ESP is uniquely positioned to solve the problem with ten commercial programs for use by every party to each transaction.
Fold Part Two
3. Most important, pre-owned orthodox leasing is the only real solution for equitable disposal of millions of unorthodox lease-return vehicles flooding into auctions after several years of factory lease incentives, residual value exceptions, and deviations from fair lease amortization. Lots of problems; One Solution...
3. Most important, pre-owned orthodox leasing is the only real solution for equitable disposal of millions of unorthodox lease-return vehicles flooding into auctions after several years of factory lease incentives, residual value exceptions, and deviations from fair lease amortization. Lots of problems; Fold This...
No one knows more about an industry than the principal software engineers. Abating discussions of issues and their negative effects, ESP describes problems for the sole purpose of identifying the one-and-only solution for all parties, especially those who created the problems while solving economic crises of the past.
Nobody should be stunned by the "tsunami" of 4,400,000 too-high-priced off-lease vehicles flooding the auctions. This is a result of contraventions to the natural laws of leasing depreciating-assets. It is an exhibit of financial relativity. This is not the first time this has happened. Many manufacturers have written unjust residuals since the first
Holiday Lease Incentive of 1985. The higher the residual, the lower the lease payment. A high residual is the first ingredient of a deviated lease because that hides high prices, exorbitant fees, and significant losses from the lessee, lease-funder, and residual value insurer during the term of the lease. Invoking incentives at the end of the model run, when new cars are worth the least and cost the most, exacerbates that part of the problem.
Captive lessors have had little competition since 2000 and no competition since the announcement of the financial crisis late in 2008. Several captive-lease-lenders do an excellent job of marshaling their lease portfolio, but a change to the Truth in Leasing & Advertising laws during 2010 enables unethical organizations to obscure unscrupulous lease amortization and unfair early termination options as shown in tables T7 & T8 above. These seemingly attractive high-bracket leases monopolize fleet & retail consumers; taking away ETO's builds tidal waves into tsunamis like we have today.
You may be unaware of this compounding infraction because no one, not even the chief industry analysts or global economists, has mentioned it in any of many articles published on the subject over the last seven years. Industry leaders are just beginning to grasp the magnitude and make adjustments to new vehicle sales predictions.
Any form of solution is also conspicuously absent from all reports, forecasts, and investor advisories except Manheim's 2017 Used Car Market Report by the Chief Economist, Tom Webb (Ret.). Ten pages of seventy-four (11%) nominate pre-owned orthodox leasing as the instrument for remarketing the flood, which will soon cause another national financial disaster if it goes unchecked.
“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
Winston Churchill
Nobody should be alarmed by this knowledge because waves, like railroads, run in both directions. Often misquoted, the real rule of law from Robert Duke of Bar is, "Ubi peccatum perpetratum est, quae solutio automatice creata est.", which means, "When an offense is committed, a solution is automatically created." In other words, the gluts of lease return vehicles provide an endless inventory for pre-owned orthodox leasing as the first ingredient to the mix:
- Global financiers who invested in unorthodox debt securities should be willing to fund orthodox UVL's to protect their primary ROI.
- Immediate relief for consumers who may re-lease their own vehicles more often, perform a lease takeover, or rewrite to an orthodox lease mid term, will evolve in a sizable volume of new vehicle sales.
- A vast human resource has been automatically created to serve lease solutions.
- Auto dealers profit with old-school leasing and automatically regain control of the market.
Life, law, money, and leasing run in a circle. The laws for leasing were written by the thalassocratic societies: Bahrain, Phoenicians, Liga Teutonica, and the Hanseatic League. You will find those laws to be identical to the US Code, Truth in Leasing Act of 1976, and Regulations M & Z. Orthodox leasing is the precedent of every nation on earth still today. The sooner we get back to it, the better. The list of problems resulting from unorthodox leasing is not exhaustive, but coming full circle, the solution of orthodox UVL will be 100% inclusive.
This is not the first time pre-owned auto leasing was used to remarket vehicles coming off new leases. ESP created the Used Vehicle Lease Selling System© (www.copyright.gov #TX4498218) in 1994. That system© was used by several lenders and dealers including General Electric Credit Auto Lease and Coggin Honda Superstore in Jacksonville, Florida. Records show thousands of GE off-lease autos were shipped into tent sales where Coggin wrote hundreds of used vehicle leases per month for a number of years prior to their IPO with Asbury Automotive. When our system was removed, the organization never wrote another used vehicle lease and GECAL folded shortly after, thus proving the value of our commercial intellectual property as an off-lease remarketing tool.
“Every adversity, every heartache and failure carries with it an equal or greater opportunity.”
- Napoleon Hill
Now eighteen-years after that, described below in Part A, ESP is the creator, distributor, & copyright holder of industrial computer systems to eliminate the problems. We have technical solutions for both wholesale and retail applications. ESP is equipped with the world's only copyright for UVL and ten commercial intellectual properties (CIP's) to enable presentation of pre-owned orthodox leasing (POOL?) at the point-of-sale anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world.
HIGH-TECH HIGHLIGHTS: Our system© for wholesale auction promotion of UVL should be of particular interest and Auto Lease Auctions is the world's only three-way bidding marketplace, sandbox, workshop. Our systems© include a WorkQueue© for every entity and every individual to manage residuals, advertising, origination, listings, sales, leases, trades, budgets, fleets, manpower, affiliates, associations, lease rate incentives, remote operations, receipts, taxes, payroll, funding - even communications by phone, fax, email, text, chats, blogs, and unique page relays like vital statistics are included. New last year is Auto Economics.com, a university grade curriculum and AutoFinancialAdvisers.com, an important certification program. New three-years ago is the enterprise Virtual Fleet & Lease Office©, a standalone business that solves multiple problems with facilitating UVL at every level of society. In addition, ESP has over 550mb of code on the R&D shelf (TSR) which can be converted quickly for any legitimate use in the auto-lease industry.
Historic data analysis shows cause, effect, and the road to recovery. There is no global currency in the grand plan for man. Monetary transactions account for only a small part of the economic domain. Therefore, without reservation, part of the ESP solution is liquefying corporate securities for initial lease-package funding, collateral, and guarantees to insure profitable participation of all lease-lender, government agencies, and the residual value insurance groups.
Yes, ESP has the technology, gumption, and the initial net wealth, but the real one-and-only solution is industry participation in practical application of orthodox used vehicle leasing with these assets.
Fold Part Three
Fold 1, 2, & 3 benefits of fair leasing
The ancient rule of financial relativity states, "A solution is created when an economic offense is committed."
We can fix this. A real solution has to work out for everyone, including the people that caused the problem. ESP, you and me, are that solution. In this case, "ESP" stands for "Economic Solution Properties." Actually... more
We can fix this. A real solution has to work out for everyone, including the people that caused the problem. ESP, you and me, are that solution. In this case, "ESP" stands for "Economic Solution Properties." Actually, Commercial Intellectual Properties (CIP's) to be exact. We are the principal software engineers of the auto lease industry de jure and de facto since 1977. ESP has been building matrix marketing systems© and back-side lease processing software for the banking industry for more than forty years. Lately, we have built up eleven special programs for public use to restore their economy. No one has this technology and no one knows more about the industry or how to repair it. To be the actual solution, we believe economic restoration, sustained growth, and financial freedom can only come from nonprofit distribution of the wealth and knowledge. I am the designated executive director of FVLA because I am the leader of the younger line of engineers. I have the longevity and the legacy knowledge. In addition to the exclusive rights to distribute the ESP software, the Fair Vehicle Leasing Association owns and controls 80% of the ESP corporate stock for the purpose of creating direct auto lease funding exclusively for FVLA members. less
The integrity and resilience of ESP and me are proven by the fact that we are still here, up and running, when no one else survived the great inflation, great recession, and other abominations in this industry. You can always count on us to help you prosper because our founders' stock rises in value when you make money. In turn, your stock will rise when you help others make money. Pass the word. Feel free to contact us after reviewing this page and selecting topics of interest in the Action & Resource Center section.
CIP's Enable Titanic Savings,
Gain, and Lease Holder Security Simultaneously
40+ Years Of Engineering Auto-Lease Systems©.
The ESP software is essential because an auto transaction is the most complex sale on earth. A proper auto lease is eleven times more complex than an auto sale. The complexity of a proper used vehicle lease is multiplied by additional residual value calculations and the discovery of the real condition of the vehicle at the inception of the lease. Only ESP has the technology to serve requisite data to all the parties, and ESP, Inc. owns the only copyright for Used Vehicle Leasing Systems worldwide, #TX4498218 © 1994. ESP's donation to FVLA gives control of auto-financing back to the consumer, which enables short-cycle repeat business putting trillions of dollars back into the economy instead of the auto graveyard. View...
The ESP software is essential because an auto transaction is the most complex sale on earth. A proper auto lease is eleven times more complex than an auto sale. The complexity of a proper used vehicle lease is multiplied by additional residual value calculations and the discovery of the real condition of the vehicle at the inception. Only ESP has the technology to serve data to all the parties, and ESP, Inc. owns the only copyright for Used Vehicle Leasing Systems worldwide, #TX4498218 © 1994. ESP's donation to FVLA gives control of auto-financing back to the consumer, which enables short-cycle repeat business putting trillions of dollars back into the economy instead of the auto graveyard. Fold The Software Section Below...
(Click a logo to review program details.) |
Auto Lease Auctions is the premier technical solution, a culmination enveloping more than forty-three-years of auto-lease sales & software engineered under the direction of the leaders of the world's greatest lessors. Buyers, sellers, lenders, and vendors can do anything at this 3-way-bidding peer auction from the comfort of their computer console. The Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. website is a workshop, sandbox, and utopia marketplace. ALA is an aggregate of unbiased, multilateral complex-event--processors chained in an order according to user type and input. The system©, and every module in it, are jointly and severally portable for any lawful purpose. You really need to see the domain to grasp and control the potential and power of this ultra-high-tech IP.
Ultimate Buyers' System - Shoppers save time and money, and get the vehicle they really want at Auto Lease Auctions. Anyone can request searches & quotations on any number of vehicles for comparison and consideration. ALA locates dream-cars in the vast inventories of the wholesale, dealer-only auto auctions where the selection is the greatest, the condition is guaranteed, and the prices are fresh.
Personal transportation is everyone's single-most expensive item in life. Leasing is not for everyone, not good on every vehicle, and costs more in some geographies and circumstances; but proper leasing costs way less in most situations and will save around $200,000 per person during an average driving lifetime. Therefore, every vehicle, driver, condition, and contingency should be carefully studied every time an acquisition is contemplated. Auto Lease Auctions is a fully automated, full disclosure matrix marketing system© where buyers can tailor and compare personal/fleet options and make decisions 24/7 prior to seller/lender interaction.
Every shopper is furnished with a myCarQ© workspace, POP email, phone, text, fax, and more to buy, lease, sell, or trade upon becoming a member, which costs nothing. Shoppers become members when they submit a driver's profile comprised of eight non-personal entries used to customize their quotations and determine their personal best deal. Buyers sell themselves after reviewing the facts contained in eighteen reports on each proposed transaction.
Auto Lease Auctions is also their research center for retailing personal vehicles and trade disposal with or without equity as described in the Deficit Elimination System© below. ESP was one of the first companies to code the Millennium Digital Commerce Act back in 1994, so different and better than any other website, buyers can safely complete a lease transaction online under the full protection of the law.
Ultimate Sellers' System - Auto sellers get exactly what they want from ALA, which is a volume of profitable transactions with no investment, no work, no risk, and no hassle. Nothing like an Internet sales department, much more complete than the best classified advertising site, and the opposite of lead-generation websites, AutoLeaseAuctions.com delivers complete deal packages via a Dealer Participation Agreement with a Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© defined below. Additionally, licensed auto dealers can lease a Showroom Selling System© and/or lease ESP's Virtual Leasing Dealership© also defined below.
Auto sellers also have a multi-function workQueue©, staff profiles, full RingCentral® communications integration, and several tool-sets in the ALA marketplace. Sellers – including dealers, private-sellers, remarketers, and VFLO© owner/operators – post listings on ALA with a program called an Ad Maker Pro©. AMP© simultaneously creates up to thirty advertisements, and produces programs such as the AutoSentry© greeting system, the Virtual Auto Salesman© and the Online Sales Desk©. Each listing provides customers (not prospects!) for the whole model line by associating vehicles as they arrive at auction while the ads run.
NetWorkForce™ - Anyone with basic computer skills and a clean PC can operate this system and manage the outcome efficiently from any high-speed Internet connection. ALA includes full training and management software and procedures with payroll and continuing education for remote research analysts and sales secretaries. See AutoEconomics.com and AutoFinacialAdvisors.com below for more information.
All-in-all, there are twenty-five "buyer-types", each with its own demographics, workload, profit, and benefits. The system© identifies each shopper at the threshold, assigns a ready, able, & willing (RAW) number to each, then places them in order of viability in the senior analysts' workQueues©. The RAW is automatically adjusted as events occur, which establishes an excellent customer/inventory/funding management system, which enables expert output from non expert employees.
A good deal has to work out for everyone, or it falls apart leaving the seller to pay for the attempted expense. ESP's online sales strategy is based on consumers making intelligent, informed decisions in their personal time-frame. Therefore, the marketplace constantly monitors the vital statics of visitors and notifies the staff via email or text with information about how and when to close each sale or lease.
This platform is a sandbox, proving-ground, and regulator for the industry to design, test, and expand economic solutions:
- What if all used car leases were written by one company who was also responsible for residual-value losses?
- What are the benefits of leasing classic cars - 1966 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible LT2?
- What if a Manheim Auto Auction vehicle inspection and guarantee was mandatory for every UVL?
- What are the effects of leasing older models, especially high-end, low-mile beauties?
- Would the economy benefit from longer lease terms and/or lease extensions?
- Is there a legal way to trade an upside-down vehicle without a loss, cost, roll-over, or future liability?
Ultimate Lenders' Solution - ESP technology provides lease-lenders with a no-to-low cost medium for distributing & managing lease programs in a controlled area. AutoSentry© ensures a low look-to-book ratio. Real time residual calculation, fair early termination policies, and the Deficit Elimination System© ensure no losses ever, thereby a great reduction in cost of risk management.
Economic Tsunami Solution - Forward-thinkers, industry-leaders, economists, and investment advisors know the prevalent glut of high-priced lease-return vehicles flooding the market is enough to wreck the economy worse than ever before; we know bigger waves are coming in the next three-years; and we know incentivized leasing must continue for now or the economy will crash immediately. At present, ESP is the only profitable solution for the prevailing problems by providing technical solutions, manpower, and automated marketpaces. For the future, Economic Solution [Intellectual] Properties are a melding of new & used, good & bad leasing to stabilize the economy once and for all. ESP is also the machinery for calming the off-shore super-tsunamis before they make land. Please read about the incentive-intervention programs below.
You don't have to turn on all the lights to see enormous opportunities to save big as a consumer, and earn a lot honestly as a seller, lender, lease professional, or as an auto lease auctions administrator. Contact us through the Action & Resource Center for more information on this, or to set up a personal online meeting to discuss employment, income, qualifications, workload, or even setting up a new marketplace with our three-way bidding software.
In addition to a legal lease assumptions, and as a replacement for rolling inequity into a subsequent vehicle lease, the Deficit Elimination
System© is a highly profitable intervention service to payoff any amount of trade deficit without a cost or loss to any party. DES©, which has been up-and-running at Auto Lease Auctions & the US Motor Club for many years, solves the immediate problems for the upside/down driver, the over-extended lender, and the unaware residual-value insurer by generating a volume of wholesome business on the same or similar year, make, and model automobile. Part of the profit of each new transaction is used to pay off the deficit, then the original vehicle is marketed fairly through lease, retail, or wholesale means.
DES© is quadrupaly-fruitful. Higher deficits require a higher volume of "spin--off" transactions that generates more profit for the VFLO© program operators and the lenders that fund the new business. Recognize the added benefit for the industry and the economy as a significant reduction of off-lease vehicles of that type in the area, which enables and encourages a number of new-vehicle sales/leases of that type. Here is how it works:
- The driver submits a Lease Analyzer Form or a Loan Analyzer Form
- The analyst researches:
- the customer's payoff compared to the current value to find the deficit at wholesale and retail levels, and decide the buy-down amount. I.e., a deficit of $7,500 would necessitate at least 10 spin-off transactions each donating $750 of their profit.
- the cost and availability of similar vehicles at auctions in the area. I.e., all Camaro's, Mustang's, & Challenger's of the same year & two year's newer would be included.
- An orthodox lease is constructed with the payoff as the capital cost.
- A lease is made-up for the same car at auction with the current wholesale value as the capital cost.
- An Auto Lease Auctions Listing© is made with the "Lease Me Now" payment equal to retail (#3) and a "Minimum Bid" payment equal to wholesale plus fair profit (#4).
- The ALA Listing© is promoted by various means listed in the Origination section of the VFLO© Operator's Manual.
- ESP attaches a unique-number to each visitor's account when they land on the Listing©. Bids less than the Lease Now amount are offered a better car at auction for a lower payment than they bid. The auction car is better because it has lower mileage or is newer, and has a guaranteed condition report from the auction.
- The capital-cost of the original-vehicle lease is reduced by the donation from each spin-off transaction, and the ALA Listing© is republished with a lower Lease Me Now payment until the offer attracts a consumer or the vehicle can be sold for wholesale at the auction.
ESP is known for developing software that turns liabilities into assets. The DES© is a chief example of averting disaster by chopping down waves of unorthodox lease return vehicles early and spreading out the time vehicles arrive at auction. There are millions of candidates; each campaign develops an ever-growing number of sales with referrals and repeat business.
If you are upside-down and want to get out of your current vehicle, please visit the Sellers Page at Auto Lease Auctions, read about the deficit elimination system, select analyzer form, follow the instructions, and wait for our reply. Please also know FVLA has a second method to get you out without a cost or a loss, which will be explained in our report, on an individual basis.
If you are a seller, lessor, or auto sales professional with a list of qualified, upside-down clients who wish to trade, or have other interests in the DES© tool please contact us as soon as possible through the Action & Resource Center.
The Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© is a stable platform for practical application of pre-owned orthodox leasing at every level of the automobile ecosystem. Historically, lease-lender bankruptcies and dealer leasing system failures were caused by sales staff turnover after training and by organic changes in our clients' dealerships - like going public. Factory lease incentives dominate the showroom since the financial crisis. Today, UVL has no representation at the point-of-sale in franchised dealerships. Manufacturers' desire and ability to incorporate UVL into their marketing plan are slim and none. In other words, the chance of success by traditional implement of the used-car leasing solution at the dealership level is very low, would be extremely expensive, and take a very long time.
“You will never be successful trying to fix the sales you lost because you can never know what you or somebody else did wrong. To be successful in auto sales, you have to focus on the sales you made, see what you did right, and replicate it.”
- Bob Catterson, Auto Dealer, Trainer, TV Personality
VFLO© provides the solution to the whole industry as a standalone, enterprise business like a franchise, except better. With a VFLO© you can write thousands of pre-owned orthodox leases to the vast unserved market sectors; without it, you cannot write even one. The technology is dynamically different and eminently better for each and every party involved in complex auto-transactions, be it a lease, loan, or cash deal, online or in person. This is an electro-mechanism that converts complicated auto-financial problems into reformed commerce with enormous savings of money and time. It is a no-cost solution for the industry because the dealer's profit, the entire expense and profit of the Owner/Operators' and their employees, is garnered from the savings it creates.
“You will never be successful trying to fix the host of system installations that failed. To be successful in the computer business, you have to create a pure host and replicate it.”
- Tony Goodhardt, PSE of ESP
Since VFLO© is the paragon for practical application of pre-owned orthodox leasing, ESP need only concern itself with the cost, distribution, and use of the pinnacle program. To facilitate rapid deployment, the VFLO© website is equipped with a cost & profit analyzer and a complete set of documents to apply, sign-up, and get training online.
To make it fast, easy, and fun, ESP leases the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© to the owner/operator with a written guarantee of usability and profitability, so there is no initial cost and no risk to obtain the selling system©.
Another way to get a VFLO© of your own is enroll in the accredited Auto Economics College Curriculum, which has no tuition. You are furnished with a VFLO© to build while you are earning your degree, and keep until your retirement. You and your staff will work with real clients, vehicles, funding, et cetera, so you are paid full wages while you are in college. By the time you graduate, you have a nice portfolio, employees, established business with contacts, retirement fund, and your earnings, which will be around $800,000.00, which is quite a swing away from the normal Ivy League graduate who emerges without a job and about $200,000.00 of debt for student loans.
“Go to the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© web site, Section IV. See how much you can make.”
Software leases, like for VFLO©, are ESP's primary source of income. These debt-securities combined with our copyright, commercial intellectual properties, and intellectual capital define the value of ESP's stock, which is vitally important for provision of direct auto-lease funding.
†You don't have to open all the doors to find incredible opportunity, education, and wealth at VFLO©. Please visit the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office©, register, read the text, fill in the cost and profit analyzer, review the contracts and agreements, and/or contact me through the Action & Resource Center for more information or a personal visit online.
AutoEconomics.com includes eight articles on the front page and covers thirty-four topics in the knowledge-base.
We learn home economics in primary school, and business economics in post-secondary, why is auto economics not taught in any college when automobiles are the single most expensive item in life and business? Did you know the automotive loan & leasing industry is the largest consumer finance business in the world – 3.19-times greater than real estate mortgages? After four-decades of obtaining, training, and maintaining lessors, sellers, bankers, and lessees, ESP has perfected a certified, then accredited auto economics course for users of its technology and distributors of its direct orthodox auto lease funding.*
If you are going to drive, you need this education to save $1,000's every time you acquire an automobile, $200,000.00 during an average driving lifetime. If you want a certified, then accredited degree in economics without paying tuition and a high-paying career in automotive trade and finance, the auto economics curricula is for you. Check out EXTEMPLAR UNIVERSITY. If you want to own and operate a enterprise business, here is where you can get one along with your degree without a cost. How about a master in auto financial advisement with which you can serve funding and billion dollar projects to consumers and auto industry entities around the globe? Or, even get a grand masters degree in auto economics and leasing so you can teach and receive full benefit of the university's returns.
EXTEMPLAR UNIVERSITY Enroll today online... Not an apprenticeship or an internship, this is a school of practical application. Students are paid full wage to complete their studies by working in the industry online. The best education comes from doing and teaching others to do business, which is the Standard operating procedure at the new Bridge & Gate University, part of the Fair Vehicle Leasing Association. Graduates emerge from school with their earnings, their own client list, a registered franchise, and securities instead of a student loan debt. The university maintains a fiduciary control of every company through the ESP www.AutoFinancialAdvisers.com masters domain and provides services to each graduate throughout the lifetime of the business they created together. At the owners' age of sixty-two, the enhanced, enterprise is passed on to an approved/qualified person who may be related; the owner/operator keeps a percent of the stock and all of their earnings for their retirement and healthcare.
By the numbers: Section IV of the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© business (www.VFLO.world) is a Cost & Profit Analyzer (CPA) that predicts, and guarantees, income for the student VFLO© owner and every employee during the build, launch, and orbit of each corporation. The Auto Economics curriculum enables each student to build a team of five research analysts in the first month of school. If each research analyst produces a minimum of ten transactions per month, with $700 minimum profit (EBIDTA), the student's first year gross income will be $420,000.00. 600 transactions per year is a very reasonable number due to historic records, the nationwide marketplace, and access to the vast Manheim Auto Auction inventory. $700 profit is a conservative amount after employee payments, which are flat commissions, and a percentage paid to a dealership close by the consumer to make the physical delivery.
The syllabus includes a range of related items like pro se law, how to protect yourself, your employees, clients, and assets under law. Students will learn about securities and how to leverage assets in addition to governmental roles tied to the industry. This earn-as-you-learn attribute abates the need for family funding, outside funding, and student loans. The income exceeds the cost of the finest ivy-league education, which can be obtained semi-simultaneously without an overwhelming schedule. The quality of education is greatly enhanced even though the time it takes to obtain your degree(s) is significantly reduced. Essential financing, education, intellectual properties, and job placement all come from the single act of attending this online college. The quality of life of the student, their family, and employees is elevated by maintaining a remote workload with plenty of time off. The ESP technologies create the most desirable circumstance where education and work revolve around life without disrupting income or the in-flow of knowledge. Self esteem evolves with the knowledge each graduate is a leading participant in the true recovery of the real economy of the USA. Check in the box by "Seeking enrollment in the Auto Economics Bachelor's, Master's, and/or Grand Master's degree programs." on you FVLA membership application form.*
The auto economics curricula are portable for the benefit of education facilities worldwide starting with middle schools (Grades 7-9) and accepting enrollment by people of any age. This career opportunity lends itself to individuals who seek remote employment including homebound, elderly, very young with adult supervision, infirm, even bed-ridden. Even students and graduates of other universities may enroll to earn the income to pay off their student loans. Participating universities who add this curriculum benefit in great amounts of new income, sustained income, and revolving revenue. Non participating universities who recommend the AE course as an externship benefit from rich students who can afford the best education they offer and have the time to focus on their studies.
The Fair Vehicle Leasing Association is creating the Bridge & Gate University with the ESP license to deploy the Auto Economics curricula. It is reasonable to enroll 5,000 students per year at each participating university. The revenue comes from transaction fees and portions of auto lease funding.* In example, a participating university fostering 350 students, each with their own VFLO© employing five research analysts each performing ten transaction per month will earn approximately $53,750,000.00 per year. After graduation, the same group effort provides the participating university with about $7,350,000.00 per year until retirement for continuing education, administration oversight, and support. Of course, each graduate VFLO© owner/operator may employ as many as seventy-five RA's, and each RA may process 100 fleet-transactions per month or more in the cascade of progress. School leaders who are interested in the program can get more information and personal contact by checking the box aside of "University interested in auto economics curriculum participation." in their FVLA membership application form.
* Anyone age twelve (with parental/guardian permission) or older may apply. Enrollment is granted on order of registration. Initially, during the launch of FVLA (as of 01/17/2025), enrollment is limited to the amount of funding available and state, federal, and international registrations and accreditations obtained. Register as soon as possible, show support, which will encourage fair lease fund investment and regulators authorizations sooner.
†Contact us by filling in the appropriate sections in the Action & Resource Center section below. Learn how to enroll in the curriculum and see about the parameters of this special educational tuition-free degree. We are just a few steps away from accreditation and starting the best college ever, so get enrolled because we will be serving students in order of enrollment regardless of prior education, age (over 12 with parental consent as applicable), race, creed, religion, faith, nationality, etc.
Auto Financial Advisers is an orthodox lease certification program. The website is a placeholder for enrollment, training, certification & registration. Certified leases are an up-sell product and a valuable service to the consumer, lender, and residual value insurance company.
Only certified advisers can approve a lease contract when ESP is providing the funding. Certified Auto Financial Advisers are paid to review leases before the lessee takes delivery and ensure the lease kit is in compliance for funding. Auto Lease Adviser provide additional protection for residual value insurance, and they may guarantee certain aspects of the driving-plan, like early termination services to the consumer for a nominal increase in monthly payment. AFA's are paid sizeable fees, and sometimes royalties, but may have to repay an amount for damages arising from errant authorization or failure to provide services.
Contact us to learn about this important position of trust and how to enroll in the master's curriculum. Check the box next to Auto Financial Adviser and/or request a personal online meeting with us in the Action & Resource Center section below.
Beginning in 1998, on request of a Manheim Marketing Strategist at the time Cox Automotive purchased AutoTrader.com, ESP produced UVL promotional material for the consignor's use at auction and a retail lease advertising kit & leasing service for the buyer/dealer.
- Auctioneer text announcing availability of a lease on the vehicle with specific payments which were pre calculated on the consignor's asking price plus a specific profit amount.
- A dashboard handbill stating lease availability, credit tiers, terms and conditions, omitting specific payment information, but referring the reader to our leasing service 800 number.
- A two-sided rear-view mirror hanger advertising lease payments in comparison to finance with a down payment on A-tier credit, lease availability with credit tiers/required disclosure, and lease quotation service 800 phone number.
- Complete ad text for AutoTrader.com with specific payments, government required disclosures, and residual value update service.
- Lease text similar to the auctioneers' text for the comments section of the presale listing.
- 8.5 x 11 image ads listing lease payments with a 10% down payment, with $0 down payment and with 10% cash-back on delivery - primarily for publication at Craigslist.
These sales tools have been upgraded with many features since that time, so they should be useful at the auctions and OVE today to increase lease awareness, stabilize prices, and increase volume of sales of off-lease vehicles.
Contact us to discuss using our products. Wholesalers and Remarketers are the main source of vehicles for our retail operations. The Wholesale Lease Products and Services© and its support programs are ready to conduct business today†. You can get ahead of the curve by submitting an interest report in the Action & Resource Center section below and check by Wholesalers Promotional Tools and Set Up Personal Online Meeting.
ESP's Showroom Selling Systems© (SSS) are the seventh generation of NVL software first installed in dealerships in 1985, upgraded with UVL in 1994, converted to a web-server format in 1998. This is a front-end, manager-closer selling system that produces buy vs lease information in print for shoppers who are in the dealership. It prints promotional material for the vehicles, showroom, and local area. SSS© is for franchised dealer used-car sales desk use only. All others, see the VFLO© and the Dealers Online Selling System©, which is made for franchise dealership Internet department's use.
- This primary use of this system is by auto sales professionals at step four, negotiations, in the typical Key Royal > Road to a Sale" after the manager determines the shopper is qualified to lease if they so choose to do so. Instead of haggling over price and trade values, the salesperson presents the buyer with an A/B buyer's order, full-disclosure finance payment with required down payment on the left; full-disclosure lease payment on the right, with lawful price, trade and government regulated information included; and the agent says nothing.
- Also known as the silent selling system, it prints lighted rear-view mirror hanger advertisements. The in-vehicle ads are special because they generate lease business without ruining finance business, which had been a problem forever before.
- The SSS© is used recover lost market sectors in the dealers local area, namely 29% of the 89% of shoppers who left the dealership without buying a car during the previous six-months.
- The Deficit Elimination System© is included, which enables profitable business with local consumers who are so buried in their current car that they cannot trade through conventional means. DES© taps the largest market segment - about twenty-seven million American drivers - where you have no competition.
- Used vehicle leases are also presented to service department customers to abate the high cost of repairs as stated in Part 2 of this document and the Origination Step of Section I "Eight Steps On The Road to a Virtual Sale" in the VFLO© Owner's Manual.
- The system is used to receive and process shoppers who were attracted by specific local area lease promotions like college programs and print media - again with provisions to protect loss of finance payment buyers.
- The Showroom Selling System© multiplies profits by notifying clients and encouraging short-cycle repeat-business.
This system runs independently of the house system and may be used to manage "rolling inventory" and process lease information for a local "dream-car locating service." Training is included, the system can be leased or paid for with per-deal fees, with guarantees of accuracy and productivity. The SSS© is for savant leasing professionals and franchise dealerships who demand auto transactions are conducted in the agency.
Contact us to develop a custom proforma online. The Showroom Selling System© and its support programs are ready to conduct business today†. Contact us by showing interest in the SSS© in the Action & Resource Center section.
The Virtual Leasing Dealership© (VLD) is primarily for Internet departments of franchised dealerships to attract web shoppers into the store for processing with their Showroom Selling System© on their inventory. This system is unique among all others because, in addition to special listings at Auto Lease Auctions, it includes:
- "Lease Me Links" for their website inventory pages. Similar to online finance payment quotes, these add-in modules are better because they sell leasing and qualify the shoppers online in the same fashion as Auto Lease Auctions Online.
- "Lease Me Badges", which are similar to Links' but go onto the dealer's classified advertisements at other sites including wholesale listings like Online Vehicle Exchange.
- Special advertising tools for the dealer's inventory where the monthly payment is published instead of the price. In example Craigslist, the 4th largest car shoppers' web site in the world, the best immediate advertising source becomes highly effective with Regulation Z compliant lease advertisements bringing in about eight-times more buyers than price advertising.
- Incorporated "PIPE's", which are special email responders that recognize the sender's origin, then return mail with specific lease information on the vehicle, or a range of vehicles if none was requested, and links to more information, which enters the new client into the dealership's internal AutoSentry© program for qualification and assessment. ESP's PIPE's jump through email safety relay--servers like Craigslist and respond only to (human) public address.
- Campaign advertising material to attract special interest in leasing, like inequitable shoppers for the Deficit Elimination Program©, the college student & parents conference seminar, free dream-car locating service, and Powder-Puff Lease Training Courses held at the dealership.
- Planned Response Advertising Material for local area lease advertising that generates more manageable clients from newsprint, radio, TV, the dealer's web site, and online classified advertising - mass advertising. These promotions drive traffic to a "tube" where non-events are eliminated, later-events are preserved in a schedule, and today's qualified buyers are scored and sorted by a RAW number (ready, able, willing) in a list of things to do by the sales department.
Some accounts are better processed online then brought to the dealership for delivery. ESP furnishes sales tools, dealerQ's, email accounts, special phone numbers, paperwork, and more for both online and showroom sales and leasing of dealer inventory in the local area. These promotions may be attached to professional lease services of a VFLO© for additional manpower to cover busy times, off-hours, and adjacent geographies.
This system runs independently of the house system. Training is included, the system can be leased or paid for with per-deal fees. The VAD© can be obtained with or without the SSS©. Both are built for savant leasing professionals and franchise dealerships who demand auto transactions are conducted in the agency.
Contact us to develop a custom proforma online. †The Virtual Dealership© and its support programs are ready to conduct online business today. Contact us to discuss your needs and compare our front-end products. Click the checkbox by VLD© along with your other interests on the Action & Resource Center section.
Lease-Lender Systems© are multi-source, multi-credit-tier compliance, funding, and lockbox software systems for new and used auto leases.They calculate 360-day and 365-day year contracts. This program to be used by, and installed in, banks & financial institutions and the ESP lease clearinghouses as they are established. The software was developed in 1989 for LEASESERVE USA in Smyrna Georgia during the time of Savings & Loan Companies. This program, who's current status is terminate-stay-ready (TSR), will have a high value to the industry as new & old lenders reenter the UVL arena to benefit from pre-owned orthodox leasing as the solution for the impeding flood of lease-return vehicles.
ESP will establish and maintain a number of negotiable stock certificates in attorneys' escrow equal to cover any potential loss incurred by a compliant lease-lender in the event:
- A vehicle lease funding package prepared by an ESP Selling System© fails compliance and will not cash on presentation to the lender. Losses incurred include earned income and an amount to cover lender's published hourly rate of operation.
- A loss is incurred by the lender at scheduled end of the lease, upon early termination, or repossession termination, of an orthodox lease because the residual value was set too high by an ESP system© affecting the monthly amortization amount. Notwithstanding lessee contractual obligations, after ESP has been granted full access to account information, the leased vehicle information, including driver and lender cooperation in an effort to make a retail disposal, lease assumption, or payoff the lease; for no less than sixty-days, the collateral may be transferred to the lender in an amount equal to the loss upon lender disposal including incidental expense.
- A loss occurs on the account of a lessee who's credit-approval ESP guaranteed after ESP has been granted full access to account information, the leased vehicle information, including driver and lender cooperation in an effort to make a retail disposal, lease assumption, or payoff the lease; for no less than sixty-days, the collateral may be transferred to the lender in an amount equal to the loss upon lender disposal including incidental expense.
- A loss occurs due to an error or omission in ESP's Lease-Lender© or Lender-Lock-Box© systems.
Contact us to develop a custom proforma online. We will also present special introductory offers to the first financiers. The Lease-Lender Lockbox System© and its support programs are ready to conduct business today. Contact us below and be sure to check next to the Lease Lender Lockbox System© on the Action & Resource Center form. Also request an online conference to discuss the default settings and source of business for your installation. Visit the Action & Resource Center form.
Winston Churchill once said, "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see," which is never more true than when speaking of the vehicle leasing industry. We don't have to look very far to find the root problems with indirect new vehicle leasing and discover the solution. The three most important figures for calculating a fair lease are price, money-factor, and the residual value (lease-end-value). If one is contrived, the others are distorted, and the lease is unfair.
The rise and fall of a benchmark residual value guide
A franchised auto dealer in Port Angeles, Wash., in the 1950s, Jim Aiken developed a process that became known as indirect auto lease financing... more
A franchised auto dealer in Port Angeles, Wash., in the 1950s, Jim Aiken developed a process that became known as indirect auto lease financing. After obtaining a line of credit from his bank, Aiken evaluated lease customers' credit histories, forecast their vehicles' residual values, and collected monthly lease payments. In 1964, Aiken formed Automotive Leasing Group, which bought leases from other dealers. With borrowed capital, customized accounting software, and a mimeographed list of residuals on 20 domestic makes, the Automotive Leasing Group became the dealers' bank of choice.
Aiken's business activities led him to create a lease guide to compile data about residual values that had not been available in a single source. By 1972, the group had 5,000 leases from 250 Western dealers. The strategy gained legitimacy when Security Pacific, the California lender, acquired the portfolio, becoming the country's first bank to offer auto leases. The leasing group's founders retained rights to its software and residual guide. The younger Mr. Aiken, a mathematics whiz who studied economics at Arizona State University, spent five years installing computer systems for bank clients before persuading his father to sell him the lease guide (1977).
In the beginning, when Mr. Aiken was the guide's sole employee, he did everything from stuffing envelopes to calling past-due subscribers. "Over the course of a year, I developed programs to mimic what I was doing on mainframes," said Mr. Aiken, who started on a Radio Shack computer. Since then, Doug has created 379 publication copyrights and become the most revered, feared, and sought after individual in the auto sales and lease industry. Automotive Lease Guide became the voice of authority through the 80's, 90's, and early millennium.
Vehicles that retain their value better cause a lower lease payment even though their price may be higher than their competitors. Getting Aikens to enhance the residual on the cars you make, or devalue the residual values of your competitors would give an incredible advantage to any new car manufacturer. Which, they never did.
"They've not abused their position regardless of our efforts to present information that's favorable," said John T. Treter, the rental sales manager for Ford fleet leasing in Dearborn, Mich.
Sometimes, to popularize a model or gain new customers, auto makers' captive finance companies and some traditional lenders take a calculated risk and disregard the guide's benchmarks. They inflate their own residual values to gain more business. That's what Chrysler, then financially strapped, did early in the 90's with its Jeep Grand Cherokee, a bet that eventually went wrong as prices on used sport utility vehicles fell when the market became crowded with competing models.
"Losses could have gone higher, and the credibility of leasing could have eroded had the Automotive Lease Guide followed the crowd," said R. W. Christiansen Jr., the chief executive of Westar Financial Services, a leasing company in Olympia, Wash. "Doug didn't bend. He helped maintain discipline in the industry. Those who have stood with him have benefited."
Feb. 25 2002 -- Doug William Akien, CEO of Automotive Lease Guide (ALG), announced the promotion of two executives to guide the company's future direction. John A. Blair will become the company's Chief Executive Officer, and Raj Sundaram will become the company's President. "John Blair and Raj Sundaram have successfully guided our company in recent years to meet client and market demands. These appointments will help secure ALG's position as an industry leader today and in the future." Mr. Aiken plans to move into a strategic role within the company.
John Blair took ALG public May 2005, and it was acquired by Dealer Track Holdings, Mark F. O'Neil, chairman and chief executive officer. Mr. Blair left ALG and Dealer Track in 2008.
ALG was purchased by TrueCar® in 2011. 15% ownership was maintained by Dealer Track, which is now owned by Cox Automotive, who also owns Manheim Auto Auctions.
Many market factors in the ALG equations have changed due to the rapid drop in new vehicle sales in 2008, the recession, cash for clunkers, et cetera. The ALG algorithms used prior to 2006 do not apply to today's automotive future values, especially used cars.
August 2017, in the normal course of business, ESP discovered an abrupt and severe change in all ALG used-vehicle residual calculations. All of a sudden, and ever since, most 36-month LEV's are higher than 24-month residual values. Lease-end-values, calculated in June-July, on Mercedes and Audi at $15,816 and $6,204 were then, in August, $3,520 and $1,311 respectively. A few vehicles have ultra high projected values like a Wrangler Unlimited with a 24-month LEV higher than the current wholesale cost. Many residuals are below the minimum allowed by IRS Revenue Procedure 2001-28, making for illegal lease contracts, which have several negative effects and huge liability for all parties.
ESP PSE's immediately contacted ALG's senior VP in charge of operations, Alain Nana-Sinkam, to relate the problems and offer our services and technical solution blueprints without a charge. Several contacts evolved but
ultimately no collaboration was scheduled. ALG seems despondent, uninterested in solutions, maybe they are stalling UVL so NVL residual value exceptions can continue...
The fact is, the only one who can prove the benchmark is wrong is the benchmark itself: Contradiction within its own publications... Assaults on common sense... Contradiction to the Residual Value Insurance Group. $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 differences to the Manheim Auctions actuarial sales reports... Around 5,000,000 over-priced lease-return-vehicles at auction, which in themselves alone can crash the USA economy again if they go unchecked. The madness of errant residuals is the primary cause of today's economic chaos worldwide. Nothing will ever be right in the economy again until this problem is solved no matter who caused it... less
Sustained, Guaranteed
FVLA's Real-Time Residual-Value Calculators solve the problem for anyone who uses them without a cost, at a profit. Researching history teaches what to do, and what not to do. Discovering this problem, and invoking a solution, presents the opportunity to make vast improvements to automotive lease-end-value projections. Most important, the ESP technology sustains the solution for all parties and the USA economy, so this can never happen again. It's true, if you are currently funding new car leases, the chance for financial failure in the very near future is close to 100%. Worse, financial failure of this type could be recognized as fraud against international investors who are covered by the International Trade Treaties, which means the losses and expenses will have to be covered by the USA taxpayers.
To ESP, circa 1998
“Nobody should be allowed to write residual values unless they guarantee them out of their own pocket.”
Doug Aiken, Automotive Lease Guide (ALG)
180° from ALG, the ESP lease-end-value projections are based on actual auction sale prices for 100,000's of the same make and model, instead of a formula, so they can never be wrong. The data is pulled directly from the auctions at the time the driver requests a quotation instead of recalculating from compiled database tables, which are bound to be stale. In addition to mileage, term, and equipment, our technology factors in variables such as the location where the vehicle has been driven, where it will be driven, road conditions, driver habits such as smoking, garaging, number of passengers, et cetera, driving conditions such as weather, timing of the calendar and model year... Proper lease-end-value projections protect the auto lease funders, lessors, lessees, sellers, and the economy at large. Unlike ALG-based leases, all equity at early or scheduled termination is religiously paid to the driver/lessee.
Vast improvements enabled by the FVLA dynamics cause a profound positive effect on the auto industry while multiplying lessors' income and consumers' savings. The market is doubled by projecting residuals for current through ten-year-old models, and doubled again by leasing those vehicles for longer terms, such as 72 and 84 months, just like auto finance loans.
Again, the market is enlarged by availability to lease motorcycles, boats, airplanes, RVs, antiques, classics, customs, muscle cars, and other motor vehicles. Pre-Owned Orthodox Leasing is the only real solution for a profitable disposal of millions of off-lease vehicles flooding our auctions. Many vehicles in this sector actually appreciat in value, which makes for easy leasing. Captive lessors may to continue their altered-lease marketing plan so as to not crash the US economy.
The economic solution for the auto lease industry is sustained by FVLA's broad use, no-cost distribution of the ESP RealTime Residual Calculator and ESP's money-back guarantees of lease-end-value accuracy. Any FVLA member can use the ESP residual technology to calculate fair, level-yield lease payments regardless of funding source. FVLA places ESP securities in attorney's escrow to guarantee POOL Funding Investors and FVLA Direct Lessors that the ESP residual values are correct. This is in addition to RVI Group residual value insurance.
The Real-Time Residual Value Calculator and its support programs are ready to conduct lease business today. Contact us about integrating this code into your programs, obtaining our guarantees, and to discuss the availability of our front-end systems. Please use the form in the Action & Resource Center section for initial contact. We will respond with complete personal contact information.
Within the rules, regulations, and records of all United States Worldwide, pre-owned orthodox leasing is found to be a powerful solution for the real economic problems we face today. This is an enormous opportunity for indirect orthodox lease lenders seeking a higher, sustained return on investment. Above, FVLA offers the ESP Lease Lender Lockbox System© to seasoned lessors who want to run a standalone auto lease facility with their own staff, in their own space. This section describes a second, different clearinghouse system© that enables financiers and investors to profit from indirect funding without the cost and risk of a standalone operation, with more margin, ESP vanguards, special guarantees, and extra insurances.
Now anyone can lease their own vehicles to themselves after precise research at
Auto Lease Auctions
Marketplace; and/or lease to others as a licensed lessor with a free
Virtual Fleet & Lease Office Franchise; and/or
Now be an Originator for their own vehicle and others in a POOL and/or be
a Lease Owner for a sustained, triple guaranteed fixed income as demonstrated at the
Preowned Auto Lessors Inc.
website. The PAL Platform© described there is the fully-automated,
interactive version of what you are about to read here.
Introducing the Pre-Owned Orthodox Leasing (POOL) Funding System©, which provides full leasing services to investors with full, real-time investor governance, an automatic lockbox, and 24/7 online monitoring. This technology is an up-fitted aggregate of the software used by GECAL and other hugely successful new and used vehicle lease programs throughout history. Most important, the factors causing the destruction of all our fair, level-yield lessors, including GECAL, are eliminated by this technology. more
Introducing the Pre-Owned Orthodox Leasing (POOL) Funding System©, which provides full leasing services to investors with full, real-time investor governance, an automatic lockbox, and 24/7 online monitoring. This technology is an up-fitted aggregate of the software used by GECAL and other hugely successful new and used vehicle lease programs throughout history. Most important, the factors causing the destruction of all our fair, level-yield lessors, including GECAL, are eliminated by this technology.
- The major investments of time, money, and effort involved in brick & mortar auto lease marketing are eliminated. This results in no errors, no hassle, and more margin. The "up-fit" is a computer connection to all of the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© Systems described above, which are the error-proof front-end systems that also process the lease compliance, so contracts are ready for funding. 180° from conventional auto dealership sales staff, VFLO© owners & operators coddle their portfolio clients throughout their driving lifetime. The first advantage comes from FVLA/ESP Seek n Sell Campaigns© which target only high-yield, low-risk corporations, professionals, and individuals. As well, the VFLO© operators provide all end-of-term services, be it early or scheduled termination, including vehicle remarketing or disposal. Auto lease financiers enjoy a true, straightforward return on investment; the difference between their cost of money and the lease factor.
- Substantially lower group costs, maximum efficiency, and considerably larger market equals lower consumer pricing, much more margin, and 4x volume. "Aggregate" refers to multiple funding-sources thrive in a harmonious, matrix funding-system to serve the needs of all market sectors (with no or low default-ratio) at a drastically reduced cost and significantly higher profit for auto lease funders.
- This software is essential. POOL Fund investors will never have competition in the used-vehicle leasing arena, which is the largest consumer finance sector (currently unserved):
- FVLA has the only copyright (TX4498218 © 1994) for used vehicle leasing systems and an active legal team to protect shareholders and auto lease financiers from infringement.
- It would take a team of 127 programmers at least 13-years to duplicate these massive programs, and that would be illegal.
- FVLA furnishes these products without a charge, so any would-be copycat will benefit instantly by joining the group instead of undermining it. The group benefits from additional investors.
- Unfair street competition like captive leases with inflated residual values does not exist in the VFLO©'s or independent dealerships' marketing arena. VFLO© operators welcome captive lease competition because those are so easy to beat. Fair leases cost less initially, monthly, at the end of the lease, and the optional purchase price is less. Often, new-vehicle dealers learn about the benefits, then submit scores of prospects who convert to fair leases.
- There is no competition between POOL financiers/investors, VFLO© owners/operators, or anyone in the FVLA network. The market is so vast that every financier can never run out of leases to fund even in special sectors. In addition, the ESP systems automatically route repeat clients, referrals, and return vehicles to the original auto lease funding source for new, additional, and repeat profit.
- The ESP Vanguards are leading-edge engineers who not only design and build the programs, but also use their programs at work everyday with actual customers and real vehicles. The wealth is in the details and timing as they plow the way so the clients, VFLO© operators, dealers, vendors, lenders, and auction personnel have an easier go and richer result. In example, advanced-action programs warn lessees of the cost of upcoming maintenance and repairs then urge drivers to switch vehicles or rewrite their lease causing more lease-lender profit and volume. Another vanguard program monitors lessees' mileage without on-board devices to govern best trade time for a consumer, thereby multiplying return on investment. You may read about all vanguards at VFLO.world above.
- Vanguard technology, constant contact, and marketing methodology enable ESP to guarantee no defaults and no lessor losses in most cases. Extra insurance, in addition to residual value insurance, is included for eminent protection of the auto lease financiers. In both cases, the funder's return on investment is assured by ESP securities placed in attorney's escrow at lease inception.
- FVLA's technology, tactics, and securities create perpetuity in a broader, deeper, and denser spectrum. Since we create and guarantee the lease-end values, we can choose to write longer lease terms and/or older vehicles to extend lessor profits without additional cost. In addition, FVLA plans to lease RVs, motorcycles, airplanes, boats, and other motor vehicles in the USA and Canada to expand the auto lease investor's profit area.
- First time ever "sectional funding" allows financiers to customize their funding offer to specific vehicles, market, or other demographics. This is most useful to captive lessors who need to dispose of their lease return vehicles and automotive groups desirous of leasing only their own inventory.
- I think we all know https and security certificates alone are not going to protect our information online. ESP's super-high-tech lease application and personal privacy policies eliminate the need for FACTA (Red Flag) compliance, its expense, and hassle. No personally identifying data or credit information is received or stored by any FVLA party. The online application is triple encoded as the prospects enter their information, then sent directly to the lease lending source. We do not sell consumer information, of course, and we do not sell advertising space on our web sites. We don't even use cookies. Cookies are crummy, and they provide footholds for ID theft. Since FVLA programs do not accept or hold any personal information, no tortuous, malicious lawsuit will ever be successful against the FVLA lessors.
- Of course, accurate Real-Time Residual Calculators© are essential to the POOL Funding System© operations. The system is fully automated, so no one can entice an increase in their vehicle LEV's or a decrease in their competitors' vehicle residual values. The program details are in the next section above. less
There are no better investments or tax shelters in America than debt-securities – especially level-yield leases, which are annuities-due. Above, we outline technology that provides the ingredients for maximum ROI. Below, we outline the principles and procedures for sustained practical application of fair level-yield pre-owned vehicle leasing with maximum financier profit. more
There are no better investments or tax shelters in America than debt-securities – especially level-yield leases, which are annuities-due. Above, we outline technology that provides the ingredients for maximum ROI. Below, we outline the principles and procedures for sustained practical application of fair level-yield pre-owned vehicle leasing with maximum financier profit.
- All new and repeat leases will be designed and contracted, with earnest deposit accepted, by VFLO© certified lease professionals and reviewed by accredited auto financial advisers then distributed for delivery to a licensed auto dealership close to the driver who has authorized a dealer participation agreement (DPA) with FVLA.
- All automobiles, and most other vehicles, will be purchased from the wholesale auctions after pre-sale and post-sale inspections have rendered a guarantee of condition and the auctions' "deal-shield" seller/buyer protection contract.
- All leased equipment/vehicles will be purchased and paid for, insured, and owned by the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office©, or the participating dealer, at time of delivery, then funding, in compliance with all laws.
- Only sales margin profit and additional rate participation profit will be shared with the delivering-dealer in an amount agreed within the DPA. In the event no authorized delivery dealership is available close to the client, the VFLO© may deliver the vehicle himself, through UPS, the auction, or any legitimate entity having signed a delivery agent agreement online. less
Under the natural laws of financial relativity, contrived lease dynamics have created an immense opportunity for pre-owned orthodox lease lessors and investors. The programs, procedures, and principles above eliminate competition, create enormous profit while solving economic problems, but the pre-owned orthodox lease market can still be lost in the future through complacency, vulnerability, stupidity, and/or greed. more
Under the natural laws of financial relativity, contrived lease dynamics have created an immense opportunity for pre-owned orthodox lease lessors and investors. The programs, procedures, and principles above eliminate competition, create enormous profit while solving economic problems, but the pre-owned orthodox lease market can still be lost in the future through complacency, vulnerability, stupidity, and/or greed.
- All FVLA members at every level will refrain from burying the driver and funder by proper pricing and rate participation policies and/or effecting legal lease transfer on early termination. Selling members and financiers will learn that four-times more profit per driver comes from lower prices, payments, and rapid repeat business.
- All transactions are reviewed and approved by a certified auto financial adviser prior to funding.
- All vehicles will be physically delivered in witness of the lessor before the delivery receipt is signed by the lessee; all delivery receipts will be signed before the lease is submitted for funding.
- All leases will contain a legal assumption clause which can be effected multiple times. All FVLA members involved in sales production or lease service will perform assumptions on request of the consumer regardless of the amount of profit or subsequent leases.
- Any equity established during the lease will be paid to the lessee in full upon early or scheduled termination.
- The word "risk" has one-hundred meanings – 1 to 100%. Risk equals zero when the lease can be terminated or transferred without cost at any time with a profit. A B-grade or C-grade credit applicant without a trade will have a lower risk-quotient, pay a higher yield, and trade much more often.
- FVLA will process prospects who are buried in a captive lease or finance contract differently to protect the lease funders, our market, and prevent an auto-economic collapse. The process for using fair leasing to correct a driver's auto-financial health is wholly described in the VFLO© documentation referenced above. The risk to the lender may be increased by the amount of inequity if attached and some options are not available to these portfolio account's. The Auto Financial Advisers fiduciary responsibilities include signing-off on multi-directional understanding of risk, trade options, terms and conditions over and above the 2010 Truth in Leasing Act and FVLE's standard short-cycle early termination policies.
- VFLO© operators are taught to originate business in states where orthodox lease-tax regulation (collected monthly) is practiced. States who charge upfront sales-tax on leases cause initial and persistent trade deficit, and/or disable trade al together, which increases risk to the lessor while decreases revenue to the VFLO© and auto industry. In these cases, some options and services, like early termination through payoff, are available, but may be unattractive. Early termination through legal lease transfer of a super-attractive payment is available, but only attractive to residents of that state. These clients are kept separate in special folders for special services withstanding signed statement of understanding of trade options. FVLA intends to lobby for lease-tax regulation nationwide by demonstrating the economic benefits and providing literary donations to government agencies that enable organic lease-tax regulation. less
The projected income for Pre-Owned Orthodox Lease Funders is excellent – and enhanced by a solid, lawful, single-book tax shelter. FVLA members who are interested in POOL Funding should contact my office as soon as possible to develop a custom proforma with us online. We will also present special introductory offers to the first financiers to contact us. The POOL System© and its support programs are ready to conduct lease business today. Please visit the Action & Resource Center section to checkmark items of interest and make initial contact. We will respond with full contact information. You will have our undivided attention because obtaining essential fair lease funding for our members is our primary objective.
The essential software you read about above are products built on request from the greatest financial minds worldwide. ESP chose to distribute the programs to regular people for prescribed use without cost because it's true, whoever controls this technology can cause substantial economic change. Free-licensing prescribed use automatically embeds publically-controlled checks & balances to sustain fair, legal used vehicle leasing long after the creators have past on.
Fold The Software Descriptions Section Above
Employment, Education &
Tons of New BizOps Are Created by Ultra-High-Technology.
There is No Such Thing as AI That Replaces Human Intellect.
Earn As You Learn With No Tuition, Guaranteed Job Placement & Restore Your Economy.
I joined ESP NetWorkForce™ for several good reasons. I want you to join us, too – for reasons of your own. There is an abundance of opportunity.† Within the deployment plan alone, we have 100,000's of college degrees (with no tuition), lucrative careers (starting at $81K per year full-time see Extemplar U), 10,000's of (standalone, enterprise) business opportunities (zero initial cost), 1,000's of technical and administrative jobs, 100's of executive and teaching positions, millions of FVLA memberships, billions of dollars to lend*, and literally trillions are to be made or saved by the entire population. No investment is necessary whatsoever, but ultra-secure investment opportunities exist in corporate stock trading and pre-owned orthodox lease funding.
Remote employment is especially attractive to people with disabilities, senior citizens, even bed-ridden individuals and their caretakers. There is no physical contact required with the people you serve or work with. All work is done online. You are paid instantly upon completion of each job task. Set your own hours – you can work from any high-speed Internet connection in the world, any day or anytime. Set your own income. These are what we call "body-jobs." The job is customized around your life and education schedules instead of making your life fit around your job.
Please visit the Action & Resource Center to get more information, make contact, sign up for school, employment, corporate owner opportunities and/or to just join FVLA to enjoy the membership benefits.
Join Us for Your Personal Gain, Preserve
Your Independence & Help Others.
Our Independence is Security for You and Generations to Come
We have several membership types, but only one goal: restore, promote and preserve fair leasing
(and use it ourselves)
It is my pleasure to bring these exclusive products, services, and opportunities to you. The ESP principals and I welcome qualified members to use our software and services for your personal prosperity. Your membership is your portal to knowledge, best personal auto transactions, certified/accredited college education, employment, and business opportunities. There is no charge to join FVLA and no hidden fees exist for membership. The transparent "transaction fee" added to your capital cost any time you use FVLA in-house fair lease funding can be abated forever if you purchase a charter, lifetime membership now for $49. Charter members are cherished because their fees pay for the liquefication of the ESP assets, which creates our independent orthodox lease funding. See below and read more information in the Action Plan section.
In addition, every Consumer Member, including individual family or business fleet, purchase, finance, or lease, will be furnished with a personal representative and a communication safety package, including a you@FVLA.org email account, a super high-tech phone extension on our main system, in addition to a personal or corporate myCarQ© workspace. Consumers consummate the entire purchase, finance, or lease transaction online and only go to the auction, dealership, or pickup point to take delivery of their vehicle. (A fee of $49 for FVLA is added to the capital cost of every transaction except for Charter Members, described below.)
Lease-Lender Members include users of the Online Lessor System, investors in the POOL Fund and members who operate the Lease Clearinghouse and their employees and financiers. Use of systems© is regulated by contract as prescribed in an end user's license agreement (EULA), which is available upon request. The terms of the EULA are monitored and strictly enforced to maintain unilateral benefits described above in the relative technology sections. There are no fees or payments to use the ESP lessors' software. However, FVLA, ESP, employee wages, VFLO income, rate participation, investors' portion, and other charges are built into the capitalized cost of every transaction. Lessor's have 24--hour access to detailed reports and controls on their portfolio so they may make instant adjustments for subsequent deals. The financial benefits include lucrative income, low-to-no effort, no-to-medium risk depending upon lender preset controls, and perpituity. Other benefits include vast improvement of self-esteem and quality of life knowing as your investment multiplies, your personal endeavor is the primary solution for global economic problems, everyone on Earth, and everyone who will be on Earth.
Selling Members include the Virtual Fleet & Lease Offices©, consumer members selling a privately owned vehicle, retail and wholesale auto dealers, auction personnel, remarketers, and vendors who provide products and services to the auto sales and lease industry. There is no charge for FVLA membership, but various fees for service and products are stated in the contract for use of each of the commercial intellectual properties. The benefits of enrichment are best defined by visiting section IV, Cost & Profit Analyzer of the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© web site. See product description above.
Extemplar University Members include students, graduates, auto financial advisers, masters, grand-masters, college professors, and employees. Earn a certified, then accredited college degree in auto economics online while earning full wages as a VFLO© owner, operator, employee, lease regulator, lessor, developer, director, educator, et cetera. See the auto economics technology section above for more information. There is no cost, but registration as a university member is required to be in compliance with all laws and the FVLA university rules.
Charter Membership is limited to 10,000 with a one time cost of $49 paid at registration. This is a lifetime membership with many special features and benefits worth far more than the cost of it:
- The $49 FVLA transaction fee charged to consumer members is waived for life.
- Priority is given to charter members before regular members for automotive services, college enrollment, employment consideration, business opportunities, or any interest on a daily basis. Priority is given to the first charter members before the last charter members to register.
- Voting rights issued to charter members for consumer and special interest issues. Help establish the future of FVLA under law and under the laws of fair leasing.
- Automatic entry into FVLA raffles, giveaways, free lease payments, accessories, equipment, cash, road trips, rallies, et cetera. Charter members have 1 in 10,000 chance for each prize. FVLA is a fun, prosperous group intent on helping others, especially those who help us retain our sovereign independency. We plan monthly, then weekly, extras as we reach our membership goals.
- Charter members can earn 100 shares of ESP Stock in exchange for evaluation of each of our ten commercial programs.
- You will have well-being, a higher quality of life and better self-esteem knowing you are a part of the solution and your opinion is counted... Your membership fee keeps us from selling valuable ESP stock or accepting controlling capital-partners to liquefy our assets for fair auto lease funding and for our university.
FVLA is a lawful nonprofit organization regulated by international, federal, and State of Indiana laws, which include accounting transparency. Therefore, charter members are assured their fees are spent on the purposes stated in the Action Plan page, which enhances your personal experience, restores, protects, promotes, and sustains fair level-yield vehicle leasing. Once the ESP assets are liquid and our stock is traded on the public exchange, we will use the securities as collateral for auto lease funding, which of course earns income for more funding creating a sphere of prosperity much greater than the need for direct funding or the amount required to guarantee indirect auto lease funding. IOW: Much of the money gets redistributed to the public starting with charter members.
Since charter members are consumers, sometimes sellers and maybe venders, lenders, students, or employees, we combined the registration forms for your convenience. Please visit the Action & Resource Center form below. Regular members may register free on the same form or register on a chosen website for free when you need that service.
Solve the
World's Largest Problems From the Comfort, Convenience & Safety of
Everything Needed is Already Provided.
Just Do it!
Chaos and crime create opportunity and growth for those that know the economy is round and revolves like the earth
and what goes around comes back around exponentially. In addition to
solving your individual driving requirements at a profit, Liga.Teutonica.us
defines operations to fulfill SDGs, PEXOs, and requests for solutions from
all over the world,, most close to heart - many at the same time within
one profitable operation.
Chaos creates opportunity and growth, but only for those that know the economy is round and revolves like the earth;
and that what goes around comes back around exponentially. Since the ESP
tool-set is the solution for some problems that were created
321-years ago and really ramped up since 1998, you can expect, and
Hartsocks are guaranteeing every member who participates in the recovery
will be paid continuously and be a millionaire within one year. The donation of economic solution properties ends that, and the cascade of benefits will restore the economy to a better level than before the crash if it is rolled out right. Everything we need to be happy, healthy and highly successful is laid out before us. Inventory, manpower, customers and the ESP network are in place with all systems© up and running in TSR (terminate stay ready).
Obviously it's much better for the economy to create our own auto lease funding and liquefy assets for guarantees and special insurance to our POOL Fund investors. It is easy to restore fair used vehicle leasing because, in addition to the exclusive rights to distribute the ESP software, the Fair Vehicle Leasing Association owns and controls 80% of the ESP corporate stock for the purpose of creating direct auto lease funding for FVLA members. The benefits to you include:
- Direct funding adds prosperity to FVLA, which means there is no need for annual fees or other membership charges.
- Control of our own funding presents more employment/business opportunities to FVLA members, and secures and sustains the pre-existing FVLA member opportunities.
- Leveraging assets provides ample funding for disposal of lease-return vehicles flooding the market.
- FVLA funding will provide attractive lease funding for members who want to sell their cars for a fair retail price instead of trading for wholesale.
- Having our own funding allows members to exit inequitable captive leases early without a loss.
- Longer lease terms when prudent give members even lower payments and maximizes flexibility.
- FVLA supports leasing of older vehicles when it makes sense, even classics and antiques.
- We propose leasing of planes, boats, motorcycles, recreation vehicles, et cetera.
- Self-funding permits special terms, extensions, early terminations, and lease funding for remarketing.
- FVLA lessors make credit approvals based on merit/common sense, instead of credit grade alone.
- Perpetual self-funding substains the national economy.
- This gives each member the ability to say no to bad deals offered elsewhere and control their own destiny.
- The FVLA/ESP action-plan pops the captive lease bubble without crashing the US economy.
Now is the time to build our own funding rather than recover indirect funding relationships that may fall prey to antisocial activity again in the future. The best way to liquefy assets is through Title II, Regulation A+ of the Security Exchange Commission (mini IPO), which makes about $8 billion available for fair, level-yield lease funding when we accomplish the task.
- The best way to raise the funds for the cost of the mini IPO, approximately $134,000 including appraisals, is the Charter Membership Drive outlined in the previous section. This method keeps the ownership and control of our assets pure of capitalist-partners who may have money as their only measure of success. FVLA can begin operations with as few as 2,700 charter member registrations. Please become a charter member today to enjoy your own personal prosperity while helping us retain our independence.
- The next best way to raise the revenue for the cost of the mini IPO is through donations. For this, FVLA has constructed and activated a donation webpage. Like all nonprofit income, FVLA will report the amounts received and dispersements as required by law.
- Another fundraiser for the cost of the mini IPO is a Regulation D, 506c Private Placement Memorandum, where an amount of ESP stock is discounted and sold to accredited investors outside of FVLA. A PPM is already published for this purpose. [ESP/ROI] The offer is made to sell ESP securities for one-quarter of their last appraised value. Although the volume of stock in the offer is low and very few shares have been issued in the past fourty-years, ESP prefers other fundraising methods to avoid conflicts of interest among shareholders and maximize share value while minimizing exposure, workload and risk. The ESP PPM matures November 17th, 2018 at which time the sale of securities may be revised to include non- accredited investors in the offer ring.
- The Fair Vehicle Leasing Association may forward our rights to distribute ESP technology, and/or leverage its securities to another nonprofit organization proven to have better capabilitity to serve the public with these assets sooner. Three such institutions have been contacted with preliminary material and slight to moderate correspondence ensues. Such activity may be abandon, transferred or revamped to a manner of operation not in conflict with promises made to charter members, the public and industry entities when those exist in full.
- Very little consideration has been directed to venure capital or angel funding since ESP desires a harmonious solution predicated on wealth rather than money. To prepare for any event and set up a failsafe under stringent conditions, ESP has registered with Angel List and The Funded.
When we establish our own funding, or the first indirect lender provides fair, orthodox used car lease funding, FVLA will begin classes for the enrolled and distribute the ESP franchise-like Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© enterprises in States who regulate lease-use-tax on a monthly basis. Fair, level-yield lease new-business contracts wil be offered to a volume of individuals and small fleet business. As well, pre-owned orthodox lease conversions will be offered to some lessees who are currently trapped in an unfair lease.
Deploying lender, vendor, retail, wholesale, buyer, seller and administrative software is best done all-at-once since these programs work together for the desired result. Readers are more than welcome to visit the documentation of each program in the ESSENTIAL TECHNOLOGY© section above for details about requirements, use, and deployment.
Simultaneous to the launch, FVLA and associated entities will lobby for reform in States that collect up-front leasing tax or sales-tax inplace of use-tax on leases by presenting mathematical and factual information to prove Germanic monthly use-tax regulation creates far more trade and tax-revenue. FVLA may make leases available in States who require prepaid tax and/or overreach tax on a limited service basis when those taxes negate the ability to trade early or terminate early for desire, need or prudence.
Henceforth, prescribed VFLO© promotions obtain and maintain a cultured short-cycle repeat business portfolio that drives rapid growth and ample revenue to sustain our Association, the public it serves, our government and most branches of the economic tree. Please contact us by checkmarking for more information about ESP's support, upgrade, protection, and continuing education responsibilities and policies in the Action & Resource Center section.
Multi-purpose form to submit registration, indicate your interests, & request personal contact.
Your personal identity, location, email & phone are cloaked from marketing spam.